Chapter 13

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Celeste pov

I pulled to school and just as I thought Jeremy wasn't waiting for me. I can't believe Hunter beat him to a pulp just for me. Sometimes he can be an okay guy.

I enter the building and automatically all eyes were on me. People stared and whispered amongst themselves nodding and rolling their eyes. I have no idea why all this attention was on me, why were they all staring?

I walked to my locker and tried ignoring the eyes. I began taking stuff out my locker for class and I heard two girls talking next to me.

"Is she really dating him?"

"Obviously she's wearing his sweater! they probably had sex."

"No way, Hunter hates her he's always picking on her they can't be dating"

"And so what if we were," I heard him say after a second of silence
"What I can't date a loser? Yeah I'm dating her. Got a problem? Move along you wanna be"

I closed the locker and saw Hunter glaring at the two girls. He turned towards me saying hey. He usually doesn't say this to me so I don't know how to react. Instead I just give him a forced smile and attempt to walk past him.

He quickly grabbed my arm and automatically a sharp pain shot up my arm earning a loud groan. Everyone's eyes were on us and they were murmuring amongst themselves. Hunter saw and quickly he laced his fingers with mine instead and he pulled me outback.

"What's up with you man?!" I blurted out pulling my hand out of his.

"What's up with you? I say 'hey' and you give the ugliest fake smile ever and walk away, at least wave. And what's up with your arm,"

I can't just show him these cuts like that. I know he's seen them before but he doesn't have to keep seeing them. No fricking way!

"Are you--"

I cut him off quickly "No no man! I stopped that when you saw it...I-I just fell in um--the shower!" I stuttered, hopefully he buys it

He looked at me with one brow up cautiously examining me. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze so I put my hands up to cover my face.

"Stop staring dude!" I yelled

He turned around looking at the rising sun and it was quiet. Way too quiet for my liking.

"So you heard about the rumors" I say breaking the silence

"What rumors?" he asked his back still to me

"The ones"

"Oh those, yeah... people you know, come up with the most retarded and repulsive things. Do they really think I would date a troll,"

Wow mean much, how can you say that right by me. I'm right here like I'm human AS MUCH AS YOU DON'T THINK SO I'm human and I have feelings, don't need to be such an a*shole.

"At least Heather, despite all the diseases she might be carrying I'd rather catch her diseases then to be seen kissing you. Ugh! gross!"

HEATHER?! really Heather, does he really find me that gross that he'd rather date the disease carrying rat Heather. Why the hell did he confirm the rumor then?! Not even that, why would he say Heather he of all people know I don't like Heather for what she did causing this whole thing between Jeremy and I. I guess arrogant punks like him won't ever be good.

"And you ask why I do what I do" I mumble under my breath

I pick my stuff up and turn on my feet heading towards the door, I was already late to class and I don't wanna stay here with him.
Before I could make it to the exit I was being pulled back and now facing Hunter.

"What did you just say?" he asked his brows coming together slightly

"Nothing." I say bitterly

He frowns more now, he looks at me and traps me in his eyes. As I'm staring I begin to forget everything else around me and just see the beauty of his blue eyes. Suddenly he pulls away and I'm back from my trance only to see him horrified by what's on my arm.

I was highly upset and felt like screaming. I couldn't believe he saw this AGAIN. I didn't know what say or do I just wanted to get out of there but my feet were glued to the ground. The only thing I was capable of doing was pulling my arm back and covering the ugly scars.

I looked up at his face to see him about ready to explode. He pulled in a deep breath and let out a low rumble. He walked up to the balcony holding onto the wall as his back slouched.

"Why," he asked his voice was low and sounded like it was trembling "why so much, why your whole arm with just lines and lines and lines, NEVER ENDING LINES! Why did you spell out 'die' ?" he asked facing me.

He turned around and he looked like a true beast. The anger in him was way too much, his eyes were getting red and watery. I have never seen him like this. Ever.

"Answer damn it or I swear--"

I quickly cut him off not wanting to hear the rest of that threat "Jeremy. Jeremy is why I have these lines, these 'never ending lines'. The damn pain is never ending! My horrible life is never ending! Do you think it feels nice to have your skin cut? But I'd rather have this pain then to feel the pain that life has brought upon me. Being Celeste Andrews isn't the good life, it's the worst, okay! Everyday I pray I die in a car accident or food poisoning. When I cut I pray that I get a vein because frankly I'd rather die than to live another day in this pathetic body In this f*cking curse of a life." I say exasperated with my tears now streaming down my face.

He looked at me and as I spoke a tear escaped both his eyes. His fists were balled up so tight that the red on his hands were gone.

"Jeremy is gonna get it!" he groaned dashing towards the door

Before he got too far I put my hand up on his shoulder. My head was down and the tears fell on my shoes.

"In reality, Jeremy is the least to blame. Yes it was because I was sad about what happened last night but he isn't the cause for all these 'lines'. I've been tormented and disrespected all my life by just one person. If you really want to know who it is, if you really want to beat someone up. Take a look in the mirror Hunter." I said controlling my voice keeping it calm.

"What?" he breathed out his voice trembling.

I stood there for a split second and his tear fell on the sweater. I looked at him then went inside with my never ending tears.

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