Chap 33

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Celeste pov

I woke up with my head and body hurting. I tried to open my eyes but they were so heavy. I moved my finger as it was the only thing i could feel in my body.

"She's up!" i heard my mom shout

i heard shuffling around me and i forced my eyes open seeing my parents. My mom had tears and my dad had a small smile on his face. It feels like i haven't seen them in years i missed them so much, i began to cry.

"Oh sweetie" my mom said giving me a hug and so did my dad.

"What happened?" i asked seeing i was at a hospital.

Both my parents stayed quiet looking away, my mom shook her head and didn't say anything my dad was about to open his mouth and speak when someone barged in the room.

"Why didn't you guys tell me she woke up?" the boy asked

He looked really cute and had an accent, he's probably from London. His hair was so messy and his eyes were super tired. He approached my bed and looked at me. I could tell he's been crying but i have no idea why.

"How you feeling?" he asked

"I'm fine" i said hesitantly

He nodded and smiled a beautiful smile, for some reason i could feel like I've seen this smile before but I'm not sure where, probably someone from t.v I just looked away at my parents and he moved away.

"Lets leave them honey" My dad said

My eyes widened, my parents are gonna leave me alone with this strange kid? "Dad? where you going?" i asked before they stepped out

"Don't worry we'll be right out the door" he said then closed the door behind him.

The boy just stood there giving me his back as his hands gripped his hair. He had a sense of familiarity to him though but i just couldn't remember and it annoyed it so much.

"What show did you play on?" i asked

He turned and looked at me, "what?" he asked

"Show or movie..was it a commercial?" i asked

"I haven't been on any of those. I'm not famous princess" he said tiredly

i didn't say anything, he walked away and sat down on the couch in the room. It would be a little weird if a famous person came in my room all worried and they didn't know me.

"Do you know what happened to me?" i asked "Why am i here?"

He sighed and looked at me, the pain in his eyes hit me hard in my chest and i couldn't look at him anymore.

"Your ex boyfriend got jealous and he--" he chocked up
and cleared his throat "He hurt you." he finished

"Why'd he get jealous?" i asked

" because Celeste, i was in your life. He was threatened by me, he thought i would take you from him" he said coming close again

"Why would you do that? we don't even know each other.." i said

he shook his head and stood in front of me

"Celeste yes we do! we know each other, you're my world, my oxygen, my life Celeste you can't tell me you forgot me! I know i've done stupid things but this is a punishment no man should ever endure. Celeste please stop acting like you don't remember me" he cried

"but i don't know" i said my voice shaking

"Try and remember for me. Please. Don't do this" he said raising his voice

"I- I can't, I'm sorry i dont know you" i said shaking my head


My parents came running in the room, seeing the boy hysterically crying his eyes out in front of me as i sat there in shock with tears.

"Hunter lets go, come on she wont remember like that, lets go son" my dad said taking him outside and my mother held my hand.

The door closed and i shook my head, "Mom I don't remember him, I tried but i can't why can't i ? should I? who is he mom, i feel so bad" i cried out

"Honey its okay, this isn't your fault. You'll remember soon enough" she said caressing my hand

"I wanna remember so bad mom" i sobbed.

My mom took hold of me as i cried on her shoulder , i looked out the window and saw him still crying, he looked so hurt. He put his hands through his hair in anger and his face turned red. He looked at me through the window and then took his jacket and stormed out.

What's happened to me?


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