Part 3 (Last One)

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(Police Headquarters, Lucknow)

Karishma : Sir I know that I've created an irreplaceable mess ..and I'm very sorry for that ..Sir I am ready to receive any punishment for this ..and I'm also promising you that I will compensate this damage..Also I will not lose my patience in future, I will manage my anger ..and by nowwards my anger can't do anything that will make our department down ..Sir , I know it will be very difficult to believe me but sir plz give me one last chance and I will not disappoint you ..Sir , please give back my punishment from maddam sir ..

DSP - Look Karishma Singh, I know you are a very efficient and hard working officer ..So I'm giving you the last chance..I am transferring the works from Miss Malik to you .. collect the necessary informations from Miss Malik

Karishma - thank you sir ..Jai Hind

(Karishma leaves from headquarters.. DSP sir calls Haseena )

DSP - Miss Malik , I've handover all the works to Karishma Singh that I gave you ,give her the files and let her do the night shifts

Haseena being surprised - sir , how do Karishma Singh come to know about this ?

DSP- that's none of my business Miss Malik

Haseena - sorry sir ... I'll sir .. I'll..Jai Hind

(Karishma reaches to thana , going to enter into the cabin but stops)

Karishma- may I come in Maddam sir ?

Haseena - come in ..and have a seat

(Karishma enters into the cabin and takes the seat, Haseena hands over the files to her and appoints her for the night shifts)

Haseena - ok , I think you have understood dismiss..

Karishma stands up from the chair and says calmly -
Before leaving, I want to tell you something Maddam sir ..I know Maddam sir , I have always been the cause of troubles of you and this thana .. I've always lost my control over my anger and ended up with creating mess... I'm sorry maddam sir .. I know it's a very little word but still I'm very sorry madam sir for always troubling you , I'm sorry for always creating mess ...But , still God have always been merciful on me by giving me a senior like you .. thank you maddam sir for saving my uniform , thank you Maddam sir for always guiding me , thank you for always being there for me .. I don't know it's enough or not but still today I , Karishma Singh , promise you that I will try my best to control my anger , I will always analyse the situation first and then I'll take action ..Maddam Sir, I promise you that I will heal this mess that I've created, within next three days with patient and I will never break the rules and protocols nowwards

(This kind of statement from Karishma is really unexpected to Haseena ..her hopes that seem to be get lost , again make their ways to rise ..Haseena literally become speechless after hearing this confession ..Haseena stands up from her seat and her rising hopes brightens her face which is not get unnoticed by Karishma..Karishma feels blessed that her words make Haseena not to lose the hopes. Before Haseena can speak anything , Karishma speaks again )

Karishma - Maddam sir .. You've told me something , sometime ago .. So , I've got an solution of it

Haseena - what ?

Karishma - you've said that I should leave from your life so that you can breathe peacefully.. So , I think I should take a transfer from this station . .. Should I type the letter now or after 3 days Maddam sir ?

(This is also unexpected for Haseena ..She remembers hers and Naina's words )

Haseena gives a helpless look - Why are you always want to get a transfer Karishma Singh?

Karishma - No , Maddam sir , this time I don't want .. I'm just obeying your orders as you think that I don't respect you...and I think it's the best solution

Haseena comes out of her place , stands near Karishma and says - If sarcasm was an art , you should be called the Picasso of it , Karishma Singh
(copied from some other story , he he 😅 ,,forgive me for that 😜)

(Karishma is going to say something but before that )

Haseena - come here

Karishma being confused - Jiiii?

Haseena - Is there any kind of strike in your ear today, Karishma?
Aapki Kanpur mein hartaal laga hai kya?😒

Confused Karishma takes a step towards Haseena and all of a sudden, Haseena engulfs her into a bone crushing hug

"I...I'm sorry Karishma for my words .. I've lost control over my anger.. and I brusted out all my frustrations on you ..And you know na ..what mess can take place due to anger ...nn ..nd I will never let you leave from my life , and .. don't ..don't you know that You're one of the most precious persons in my life ..I...I'm really proud of you, my girl , and I'm very sorry , from the bottom of my heart"
Haseena says in between her sobs

Haseena feels something wet on her shoulder , she smiles and says in her cracked voice - and tears do not suit on my girl

Karishma doesn't open her eyes - same thing applies for you also but
Karishma snuggles more into Haseena and again says "Sometimes they're of happiness"

Karishma doesn't open her eyes - same thing applies for you also butKarishma snuggles more into Haseena and again says  "Sometimes they're of happiness"

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Never let your ego and anger dominate over your precious relationships ..."Sorry" is a 5 lettered little word but it has the superpower to heal the biggest wounds ..Stay Happy and Keep Happy❤️

So , this is the last part of this story.. Thanking you to give your precious time to this piece ...❤️

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