forgotten annabeth x percy

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Warning slight swearing you have been warned.


It had been an upsetting week for Annabeth Chase, everyone at Camp half blood had either ignored her or pretended she doesn't exist... Annabeth was in the training arena practising her combat when Chloe Lockheed daughter of zeus walked in. Chloe was a green eyed blonde who thought she was better than everyone not to mention she was a dumb bitch. She once cut her camp t-shirt into a crop top without measuring and it bearly covered her breasts. And she was Annabeth's enemy," Hey Annie how's your week been?" She asked a smug grin on her face, "Just fine Chloe." She said not really meaning it it had been horrible. " really? Are you sure?" She asked trying to push annabeth's buttons. It was working. "Look Chloe I don't need your pity I know you don't like me so why bother  now buzz off I'm busy!" She snapped at Chloe. The smug look was wiped right of the blonde bimbo as Annabeth said that, "ohhhh. Your gonna regret that Chase." And with that she turned around her ponytail swings as she did so and walked off. Annabeth was a little concerned about what Chloe had said as she had everyone wrapped around her fingers  because she was daughter of zeus and all, but she ignored it for now and went back to training.

A week later

Annabeth had been having a worse week than before, people were giving her disgusted looks like she had eaten a whole tub of Ice cream right after a 3 corse meal, though she hadn't. She was sitting by herself in the pavilion eating lunch when she got called to the big house. She must have been in trouble because when she got there she saw none other than chiron and...


Good old Chloe must have said something if she was in that much trouble, "so. Ms. Chase. Care to explain why Chloe has come to me with a black eye, cuts and bruses?" Chiron said with a stern look.

"Look Mr. Chiron I swear to the gods I didn't lay a finger on-" Annabeth started but was interrupted by Chloe.
"Don't lie Annie you asked me to follow you out to the woods beat me and left me there for the cyclops to find!" She said dramatically, Annabeth steared in complete horror as Chiron listened carefully. "Well Ms. Chase. Is this true?" Chiron asked looking furious yet trying to keep calm. "No its not! I didn't lay a finger on her please you have to beli-"

"SILENCE!" Chiron yelled, he looked at Annabeth, " You will be grounded to your cabin the only things you can do is sit on the beach and dine in the pavilion. You will be Icalated from any other demigod while eating and after dinner you are to go straight to your cabin for the next month."

"But what about the campfire?" Annabeth asked tears in her eyes,
"For safety you will not be allowed to go to the campfire so there is no risk of you attacking anyone else." He said, "am I understood?" He glared.

"Yes Mr. Chiron..." Annabeth said tears streaming down her face.

"Good. You two are dismissed. I hope you heal up soon Chloe." He said and they both walked out.

"I hope you learn your lesson, Chase." Chloe said and walked of laughing as Annabeth just cried. She eventually sat under a tree, pulled her knees to her chest and cried. Eventually percy walked up and sat next to her," Hey Annabeth uhh you OK?" He asked. "No seaweed brain Chloe made up a lie about how I dragged her to the woods and beat her! And everyone believed her as well!" She took a moment to sniff and then continued, "and now I'm grounded to my cabin for a month!" She finished sobbing. Percy looked at her with sympathy and said to her, "I don't believe her Annabeth. Your way to kind and you only beat bad guys pow pow pow!" He said punching the air. Annabeth laughed a little and put her head on his shoulder. "I love you seaweed brain." She said with out thinking.

"Huh! Wait what. You do?" Percy questioned eyes wide, "uhh... yea I do I have for a while now..." Annabeth said blushing as red as a strawberry.

"I like you to Annabeth." Percy said and kissed her.

The end


Huge thank you to CanUNotTalkToMePls for the Idea I have a few more percy jackson oneshots that are going to be her Ideas that she gave me. And again another huge thanks to Exoticfoods for helping me get the courage to make this. Anyway have fun and most importantly leave your requests down in the comments and feel free to message me privately if you have any Ideas. Don't forget to follow and I'll see you next time.


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