☆■"Please do refrain from killing your fellow employees"

121 2 43

(TW: Murder, killing someone with a razor blade, oh and 1 mention of homophobia but it doesnt rlly matter)

Stanley had something in his mind which was never good.

Whatever it didn't matter anyway just a...intrusive thought.

Calm yourself down Stanley. It's just the back of your mind, plus it wasn't their fault.

Oh, but it is their fault Stanley! You should do it.

Don't listen to the back of your noggin Stanley! Don't do it. It's not gonna help anyone.

It will help someone! It'll help Stanley! Can you think of what it would be like? A world without them?

It's not their fault they were making too much noise and...no...no it was their fault.

Stanley got up and sighed. He was actually doing this wasn't he?  Stanley reached in his desk and pulled out a small razer blade.

Stanley opened his door and began walking down to employee number 1-2-6.

It took a while but he managed to get there. Only 126 was working on that floor so it should be a piece of cake.

Stanley peeked into the room and there 126 was. That homophobic asshole. The poor homophobe who wasn't any wiser.

Stanley took a deep breath as he walked closer to his target. He had watched Law & Order so he knew how to get away if he got caught.

126 was completely focused on work and only work. Stanley assumes they had adhd or maybe they were just focused.

Stanley walked up behind them. Yup it's totally adhd, they probably took their stimulate pills. Which if Stanley wanted to he could replace with a cyanide pill.

Whatever no need to dwell on that now. Stanley stood behind his victim and got the razor out.

Stanley smiled as he shoved the razor in 126's throat. 126 was starting to cough blood as they saw Stanley.

Stanley took this as permission to cut 126's throat again, more blood spilled out. Stanley would have to buy a new shirt, or he could always just kill 127 if she ever came back.

Stanley wasn't picking on people he killed, make too much noise? Dead. Be rude for no reason? Stab stab. It was a simple system really.

It was also safe to say, 126 was dead before they hit the floor.

"Good evening, 427." A voice said looking at files.

Stanley turned around and realized...shit...That was the British guy that everyone liked or knew.

"What brings you he-" The man stopped talking when he saw 126's body.

[I can explain] Stanley signed hoping that the guy knew sign language.

"Oh. Oh dear...Now I have to hire someone knew..." The guy said as he touched the lifeless body.

Stanley covered his face, he was going to go to jail wasn't he? He hoped not.

"Please do refrain from killing your fellow employees." The man said standing up and offering a hand to shake.

Stanley shook the guy's hand. Not too rough, but also enough so that if he wanted to he could pull him into a hug.

"My name's the Narrator. No need to introduce yourself, Stanley. I've heard great things about you, even if there is a small rumor about you"

[There's a rumor???] Stanley signed forgetting not everyone could read sign language.

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