The Decision

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After Lyre reveals the information that she's kept hidden for an hour and a half, Belen stays quiet.

"Are you sure?" was his response breaking the moment of silence resembling the one during the recording. She nods and stands up. Lyre begins to put away the camera equipment. Belen watches her before she breaks the tense silence again.

"We have to go back." Belen's head snaps to look at Lyre so fast she thought that he might get whiplash

"Absolutely not. I was attacked by a fucking shadow and you want to go back to that building. When we were running away there were shadows watching us. There was a dead fucking body in there just left to rot. I was pushed off of my feet and scratched by an unknown shadow. We were followed home and you want to go back?!" He was bewildered at her. His voice slowly rose by the word.

"Do you have no common sense?" His voice was a lot softer now.

"I want to go back so that the spirits that followed us would go back. A suicidal rape victim who kinda murdered someone followed us, an autistic ghost who was most likely murdered by a nurse followed us back. I will go back alone if need be."

"You are not going back alone. If you go, we go together. Just think."

"My mind is set. I'm going some time this week."


"Because I want to know the full story."

"You can get the full story. There are articles and interviews online that you can look at."

"Facts can twist. The truth can be twisted and words can be twisted with it, you know that." Belen lets out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose with his left hand showing the bandage before he lets his hand drop back to his side.

"think about it." Was how he ended the conversation. He walks back to his room and plops down onto his bed laying on his back with his feet touching the ground. His right forearm lays over his eyes with his other hand on his stomach. He lays there thinking until sleep slowly overcomes him, the mental exhaustion finally affects him.

Lyre lets out a small sigh and puts all of the video equipment away in the box and in the closet it goes. She goes back to the couch and sits in her normal spot on the floor bringing her laptop over to be in front of her. She opens it up and puts in her password, 111323, and opens up the internet browser she uses. She searches up "useful equipment that helps find ghosts". Multiple links come up and she clicks on the first one and scrolls skimming the article. She spends an hour doing that before she gets her phone out. She puts in the password, 2512514, and goes to her notes app. She makes a list of four pieces of equipment that could possibly help then puts her phone down on the table. As she closes down her laptop Belen comes out, his cheeks and nose a bit red from the warmth caused by his nap. She looks away and gets up.

"I'm sorry about earlier." was all she said before going into the kitchen. It's around noon time now so it's time to make some lunch. She makes some pasta with herb butter. While she cooks Belen sits on the counter and watches her.

"Don't be sorry about earlier. I just..I just don't know if I'll be able to be there mentally when we go."

"Then how about I go alone. We can be on the phone or facetiming the entire time so you can see what I see at all times and talk to me the entire time. I'll even record it and we can make a video out of it." He nods as they come to a compromise about the situation.

"Tomorrow I'm gonna go out and get some ghost stuff, wanna come with?" she looks at him with her normal blank face being unreadable to everyone except her twin. He nods

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