broken promise

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"im going to the toilet" Tom said blankly, i watched him get up and leave. shutting the door quietly behind him, i turned facing bill again, the sound of his heart moniter slowly beeing to the rythym of his heart now filled the room. i softly talked to bill. hoping maybe it would wake him up. i could feel my tears starting to fall again. i could see his chest rising and falling. "it will all be ok, and then we will go home and get drunk and watch TV, all you need to do is just wake up" i said running my finger along his facial features.

 Then the room filled with a sound that id dread hearing. I heard a long. flat beep, i looked up at the monitor, i saw a straight line. i looked back at him, his chest no longer rising and falling. "no, no, bill please!, please you promised you would never leave me! Bill! wake up!" i nugged bill over and over. i felt tears fall out of my eyes, i could feel my heart break, peice by peice, my mind went blank filled with only sorrow. i saw a bunch of doctors and nurses fill the room, surrounding Bill, i sat in my chair and cried, i didnt want to beleive it. "you promised me" i said into my hands. 

*Toms Pov*

i left the room to go to the bathroom, i hadnt slept, eaten or showered in days. i couldnt do anything but sit next to my brother. my heart yearned to hear his voice again, to see his mouth curve into a smile, i walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my eyes all red and swollen from crying. i hated when i cried, i hate how it makes me look. i did my businuss and stood infront of the mirror again and broke down. i just want him to be ok. 

i walked out of the bathroom and down the poorly lit halls. my footsteps echoed through the gloomy place, i walked into the room and i saw doctors surrounding Bills bed, had he finally woken up? hes ok! hes awake! i looked around the room and saw taylor, her head was in her hands and she looked up at me, he broken eyes peirced right through mine, i felt her pain and i knew something was wrong. "hes gone" she said through tears and sobs. i felt my heart drop. shattering into a million peices. i looked through a gap of the people surrounding him. i saw his lifeless body. 

i saw the times when we were young, playing at the playground with Georg and Gustav. i could hear his laugh ringing through my head, i could feel his arms around me. i could taste the horibly made cakes he would bake. i could see our past and i could see him. i saw his body. i felt my knees go weak and i collapsed i felt hopeless, my little brother, my whole entire world. hes gone.

*Georgs pov*

i got woken up to a phonecall from Taylor. im guessing that Bill had woken up so as i accepted the call i quickly got out of my bed but i heard her voice talk through the phone. "georg.." hear voice sounded hoarse and sore. i knew something bad had happened. "hes gone georg" she said finally. i felt my whole world stop. it couldnt be. he wasnt gone, it was just a sick prank. i hung up on Taylor and went to grab Gustav before i left to go to the hospital. theyre lying. hes fine and they just want me there sooner. my best friend since i was young. my brother from another mother. he cant be gone. not yet.

*gustavs pov*

i got woken up to the sound of my door opeing and Georg rushing me awake. "we have to go" i quickly got up and followed Georg. "what, where are we going?" i asked in a tired daze. he didnt say anything just got in the car and i decided to follow him. he was driving to the hospital and thats when my heart skipped a beat. i could feel saddness bouncing off him. and i knew what had happened but i didnt want to say anything incase i was wrong. i didnt want to make the situation worse than it already is.

we got into the hospital and rushed to Bills room, there was 1 doctor in there writing on a note pad and i saw Taylor and Tom hugging i looked over at the bed and saw his body covered in a tarp. i just stood there staring at it, i felt like everything was over. i couldnt beleieve it, he was gone? he is so young, hes still got so much to do.

my best friend, hes gone

the doctor turned to us

"...time of death 4:35am.."

sorry guys

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