his touch

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"You should've left her alone.."

I opened my eyes to the familiar voice I had been craving to hear for months.

I looked at the door frame, the figure that stood in the doorway made my heart skip a beat, he was alive, he's alive! My love is alive! "Tom?!" I asked the figure staring at me.

"Taylor! Oh my god, quick you have to get out, before the other bodyguards get here" he said, grabbing my arm and tugging me out of the room, Romans dead and Toms alive, and Toms with me. I felt my stomach flip, it was filled with butterflies. He led me to the slick black car I recognized all too well, he opened the door for me, shutting it after i got in, and running around and getting in himself. I looked back and saw Bill, Gustav and Georg all looking back at me. I couldn't believe it, they were all ok, they were all here, but how did they find me, how did they not get killed getting me. I felt the car rev up and quickly take off. "How did you guys find me?" I asked in a rush, I was so thrilled to see them, "how are the girls? How have you been? Are you all ok?" i shoved questions in their face as if i was interrogating them, i didn't mean it, i just hadn't seen them in so long, "sorry, sorry omg, you don't have to answer all of those at once" i said laughing, i was so glad that i was finally away from that shithole, then it hit me, there's going to be no ria when i get back, i didn't mind that much, for i had not much memory of her as of now. "Well, this guy had a bunch of files about you, he was on Romans side, i got it out of him, he told me you were here with Roman, so of course i came to get you, and things have been going not so well back in tokyo, so were not going back there, the cops want me, bad. And the rest of the girls are in america now, they are living their own lives, we kinda let go of all the gang shit after you 'died'" he made quote marks with one hand as he spoke, "were going to canada, i've got 2 houses there already" Tom spoke all of this in such a rush it came a shock to me. We're going to live in Canada, the girls are finally free, and no more gang business. I was overwhelmed, Tom could finally be mine, and just mine, no more girls on the sideline and no more killing. I was happy, truly happy.

We had been driving for 4 hours now, just reaching doc where tom drove into the back of a boat. He didn't want to leave his precious car behind. "Gustav stopped drinking" Bill spoke up from the back, "after you, left." He said with pauses, Gustav just looked at me with a smile. They were better? I couldn't believe it. I felt tears roll down my face, a waterfall starting on my face, i sobbed, crying hard into my hands, i was free, i was finally free, free from Roman, i was with Tom, i was with Bill, and Gustav and Georg. "Hey, hey whats up?" I heard Tom say, he was no longer driving just sitting in his seat and the boat moved across the ocean. I heard the worry in his voice as he saw my tears, "im just, so fucking releived" i said "come here, come here" Tom said stretching him arms out, i happily climbed over and hugged him tightly, "its gonna be ok, everythings gonna be ok" he said running his fingers through my hair, i felt him pat circles on my back. "You're going to be ok Taylor." he said, placing a kiss on my forehead. The tiny gesture sending butterflies straight to my stomach, normally it wouldn't do so, but i hadn't been shown this kind of love in ages, i craved his touch, and i finally had it.

it had been a couple hours, we still had many hours till we reached Canada, aching hours, of sea sickness and the drifting of the ocean, by now I had crawled into the back and was laying on Bills chest, I had fell asleep to his rythimic breathing and the low hum of his voice as he talked to the other 3 men in the car. I was at home, I was at peace, I was with people that cared about me. I loved it, I loved every bit of it. 

I woke up to Bill yelling, I jumped up quickly getting ready to cover my head, I opened my eyes and turned around to face the other men, they were playing uno, "hey, hey it's ok, Taylor, it's ok.." I heard bill say, "go back to sleep love, you need the rest" I heard tom say from the front seat, I felt myself drift off once again to the patter of Bills heart and his breathe.

𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 - 𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐤𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now