{Ryeji} - you pass out on stage (requested)

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You stared at all of the fans in the crowd in amazement as you and the girls all performed on stage together.

You still can't believe how lucky you are to be here with your two girlfriends Yeji and Ryujin and your closest friends.

It feels so surreal but so incredible.

You're all performing ICY at the moment, which is one of your all-time favorite songs that you and the girls have made together.

You made sure to not get too distracted by your beautiful girlfriends as you performed your lines and nailed every second of the choreography.

And the fans cheered loudly every second for you and the girls.

After ICY, you all moved on to in the morning and you wiped the beads of sweat off of your forehead as you jumped right into the next song without a break.

You and the girls perform hard each night but tonight seems to be the hardest on you so far.

You haven't slept much over the last few days and you know you're probably dehydrated.

Not to mention, the city that you're performing in tonight is extremely hot right now, and it feels like everything put together is starting to catch up to you.

You tried not to let it show but you were starting to feel a little lightheaded.

But all you've ever known is to push through whatever you're dealing with and put your best foot forward.

You figured you'd be fine and the feeling would pass within a few seconds.

But you were wrong and it only seemed to be getting worse.

You were starting to fall behind and your girlfriends were the first ones to notice.

"Are you okay?" Yeji asked as Yuna performed her part.

"No. I feel dizzy." You said.

"Maybe you should go backstage and sit down, sit a few songs out until you feel better."

You thought about it.

But you didn't have the chance to get backstage and rest before the room started to spin.

And then, a second later, everything went black as you fainted.

Ryujin was quick to catch you though and as the fans gasped and gazed on in worry, Ryujin carefully placed you on the floor as the girls all gathered around you.

"We need a medic!" Lia called out.

Someone came over to you right away as Yeji took one of your hands into hers and Ryujin took hold of the other.

"Is she okay?" Chaeryeong worriedly asked.

"Let's get her backstage."

"We're coming with her," Yeji said before looking at the girls. "We'll be back in a few. Just help us out here."

"We will," Yuna said with a reassuring smile as Ryujin and Yeji went backstage with you.

It didn't take long for your eyes to open and the first faces you saw were that of your girlfriends.

"You scared us!" Ryujin said.

"Are you okay, baby?" Yeji asked as she kissed your hand.

"I think she's dehydrated and overheated. She needs to rest for a while."

"Okay," Ryujin said.

They quickly got you some cold water and put a few fans and ice packs on you, hoping it'd help you to cool down and hydrate.

"I have to get back out there."

"Oh, that's not happening," Yeji said.


"No. No but's." Ryujin said. "You're staying back here for the rest of the show and you're going to focus on feeling better."

"But the fans..."

"They'll understand, Y/N. They always do." Yeji assured you as she rubbed your arm soothingly.

"Baby, you've got to focus on yourself. Your health comes first." Ryujin said as she kissed your cheek.

"I just don't want to let anyone down."

"You're not, sweet girl," Yeji said. "Just focus on resting up and cooling down. Drink lots of water and relax."

"You need to put yourself first tonight. We'll be alright out there. The fans will understand and if they don't for any reason, that's their problem."

"Yeah. Ryujin and I will deal with those people and put them in their place."

You chuckled as their protective sides began to show.

"We love you, okay? Please, relax a little. Cool down and hydrate yourself. You need to focus on yourself tonight."

You knew they were right.

So you agreed.

"And don't scare us like that again, okay?" Yeji asked as she kissed your cheek, smiling at you.

"Okay, I won't. I love you both."

"We love you too." Ryujin smiled and kissed your other cheek before she and Yeji got up.

"Keep an eye on her for us," Yeji told the medic, who promised he would. "We'll come and check on you every chance we get."

"I look forward to it."

"And if you need us, let someone know. We'll be back here in a heartbeat." Ryujin promised.


They went back onstage and you focused on resting and taking care of yourself, hoping you'd be better in no time.

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