Confronting Tiffany

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Blake in shock observed everything Superman's dead body still in his opened coffin and the machine that created Doomsday operating

Blake in shock observed everything Superman's dead body still in his opened coffin and the machine that created Doomsday operating

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Blake: Tiffany what's going on?

Tiffany: Just hear me out. I been reading Luthor's notes on how he brought Zod back.

Blake: And made him into an abomination.

Tiffany: Yes but I know how we can use it without doing the same thing to Superman.

Blake: Tiffany....Lois was just at Clark's grave. That was YOU who digged him out?

Tiffany: Blake I can bring Clark back. I know how to.

Blake: No Tiffany this is too dangerous.


Blake looked at her in silence

Tiffany: The weapon he used on that thing....I created it. I blamed Clark for my dad's death in Metropolis. He was there during the Zod invasion and a building dropped on him. I hated Clark enough that I wanted to kill him myself. So I stole the Kryptonite Rock from Luthor built the spear and almost killed him myself. Then he used it to kill the beast which cost him his life. That's why I have to try and bring him back.

Blake: Tiffany you're not responsible for Superman's death

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Blake: Tiffany you're not responsible for Superman's death.

Blake: Tiffany you're not responsible for Superman's death

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