Red Card

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The group all began to clime flights of stairs in the stadium, Y/N and Hermione were in the middle of the group, with Ginny talking to them.

"What do you think Y/N?" Ginny said as Y/N was dragged from his thoughts, he was somehow distracted by nothing as they walked up the stairs.

"What was the question about again?"

"Do you think house elves should be given more representation and rights?" Ginny asked as Y/N nodded.

"Of course, that reminds me I should check up on Dobby when we get back to Hogwarts." Y/N said as Hermione smiled, walking with her head against Y/N's arm.

"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked as he looked at the pitch far below.

"Well put it this way. If it'll be the first to know." Lucius Malfoy said smugly while Draco smirked next to him.

"Father and I are in the ministers box, by personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Draco bragged.

"How wonderful for you, how did the minister taste Lucius? Or did your friend Voldemort help you get that invite?" Y/N said bluntly as he glared at the boy.

Harry ignored them and turned everyone around while Y/N was leaning against the railing snarling Draco, Lucius grabbed Y/N's wrist with his cane.

"Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can." Lucius said as Y/N switched on his lightsaber and used it to cut the cane in half before turning it off and putting it back on his belt.

"Enjoying it already." Y/N said as Narcissa Black Malfoy arrived, she looked at Y/N and smiled to herself.

"I trust we're all behaving?" She said as her eyes scanned from Y/N to Draco and Lucius.

"Everything's fine Mrs Black, your husband and I were just...discussing the weather, weren't we, Lucius?" Y/N said calmly as Lucius looked at him and nodded.

"Yes, just discussing the weather dear, come along." Lucius said as he lead Draco away, Narcissa looked to Y/N again with something resembling a smile before she followed her husband. Y/N and the group continued the climb to the stand where they were sat.

The group reached their seats and Y/N sat next to Hermione to avoid Ron gushing over Viktor Krum, his favourite player.

They were all discussing the match with Y/N discussing the decisions of the referee with Harry , they were all interrupted when they heard loud explosions and screams.

"Looks like the Irish have got their party hats on." The twins remarked as Arthur looked out from the tent before turning to them all with a worried look on his face.

"It's not the Irish. Y/N you lead everyone to safety." Arthur said as Y/N nodded.

Y/N rallied the rest of the group and began leading them to safety.

"All of you stick with me!" Y/N ordered as they all followed him into the nearby woods, Y/N had his wand ready for immediate use as they walked into the woods. They found a clearing where they could rest up when Y/N counted heads. He noticed that Harry was missing. "Where the fuck is Harry?"

Hermione and Ron looked around as did the rest of the group.

"He must have fallen behind." Hermione said as Y/N looked to the group.

"Those of you who are willing, come with me, those not, stay here and wait for pickup." Y/N said as the whole group stood up. "I guess my pep-talks can't be that bad."

They began heading back into the camp grounds, Y/N was making sure that he was primed and ready for anything. They found Harry wandering around with what Y/N guessed was a concussion.

"Harry, it's alright mate, it's me, it's Y/N."

Before they could get and answer a group of people apparated around the group and fired various spells at them, luckily the group was able to duck under them in time and avoid any attacks, Y/N was the first to his feet with his wand raised in one hand and his lightsaber in the other, his wand aiming at the man he assumed was their leader.

"Only fools and Horses, I'm warning you, back the fuck up." Y/N growled as he readied to fight off whatever came.

The attackers went to cast their spells again but Arthurs voice cut through.

"Stop, that's my son! Barty that's my son!"  Arthur shouted out as they arrived, rushing to Ron and the other Weasley children.

"They were found at the scene of the attack." Barty said as Y/N looked at him.

"Yes, rescuing my brother here, who happens to be number one on Voldemorts shit list with me coming in at a close second on said list, at what point does any of that indicate that we're with the wizard KKK wannabe's? Thank god you're not a detective." Y/N said as most of the adults shuddered at the mention of Voldemorts name.


"Nevertheless you opened fire on a group of school children because you're the wand equivalent of trigger happy you gobshite." Y/N said bluntly as Barty looked at the boy while Arthur looked to one of the wizards who was smirking at the sight of a kid ripping this man a new arsehole.

Before the argument could go any further they heard a roar from the sky, Y/N turned to see a large green symbol on the sky of a skull with a snake slithering out of the mouth.

Before the argument could go any further they heard a roar from the sky, Y/N turned to see a large green symbol on the sky of a skull with a snake slithering out of the mouth

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"Just one year, is that too much to ask?" Y/N remarked as Hermione, Ron, and Harry let out a sigh in contempt at being thrust back into the midst of a mystery again.

When they all got back home to the Burrow the group began packing their belongings for the trip to Hogwarts the next day...

The Wizard From A Galaxy Far Far Away [YEAR 4] (Male reader x Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now