Chapter 1

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~ Chapter 1 ~

"Annabelle, pack your stuff. You're going back to America."

Those were the few words that changed my life. Forever. Like literally I'm not even joking.

I packed my stuff and put it by the front door. I had about six suitcases and three bags. This was going to be a long trip. As Matilda, my maid, started taking my belongings out to the car, I suddenly ran up to her and gave her a giant hug. "I'm going to miss you!" I cried as tears spilled down my cheeks. She showed no sign of emotion, as it was against President Hieghtman's policies.

 At the airport Mother and Father tried to put on brave faces. "It's just like all the other times," Father said. The truth was, it did appear that way. I was traveled from England to America like, every other month. They then started giving me the "It's all for the safety of you and us" speech on how I had to go to America to take a break from Europe to give the President some time to cool off. I'd heard it many times before, when taking my journey from Europe to America. But I had a feeling that this time would be different. Usually Mother or Father would accompany me. This time, I will be making this trip alone.

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