later that day

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Later that day ty went home to get some more clothes & I was cooking dinner for him & I put on my red bull dog shirt with my hair down & my hat on I was cooking
Steak, yellow rice, corn bread his favorite & we had some blend red wine it's 400$ a bottle
20 mins later I was finish I sit out on table nice & but they wine out I heard knock at door I already know who it was I open they door ty pick me up & kiss me he had some roses they spell so good

Ty:  it smells good baby
Sky:  I know I cook for you
WE went in dinner room where they dinner was & he said thanks bae we ate & talk for about hour & we wash dishes together

I came over my baby cook for me and it smell so good & we ate in wash dishes after that we was going up stairs you already know what going happen

We went up stairs in watch tv ty went under they covers in put his tounge in my.stuff and we came back up 30mins later in ask did he I want him ummm anyways 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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