Chapter 7

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Latavia awoke from her disoriented state, her vision blurry and her body aching. As she slowly regained her senses, she found herself lying on a soft bed of moss, surrounded by the comforting embrace of nature. The echoes of the forest still reverberated in her ears, a haunting reminder of the peril she had narrowly escaped. She blinked several times, attempting to clear her vision and make sense of her surroundings.

And then, like a mirage materializing from the mist, a figure appeared before her. It was the woman, the one who had summoned the dogs with a high-pitched whistle. Latavia's eyes widened in recognition, a mixture of gratitude and curiosity filling her gaze. She struggled to sit up, wincing as the pain radiated through her body.

The woman approached her with a gentle smile, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. She knelt down beside Latavia, her touch comforting as she assessed the young girl's injuries. "You gave those beasts quite the run, didn't you? But don't worry, child. You're safe now," she said soothingly.

Latavia's voice trembled as she spoke, her gratitude pouring forth. "Thank you... for saving me. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't..."

The woman's eyes softened, and she placed a hand on Latavia's shoulder. "It was the least I could do. My name is Ma, and this is my humble abode." She gestured with her hand. Latavia looked in the direction Ma had motioned and was surprised to see a beautiful two story house surrounded by a beautiful landscaped yard and gardens. 

"You're welcome to rest here and tend to your wounds." Ma told her, standing and extending her hand for Latavia to take.

Accepting Ma's offer, Latavia allowed herself to be guided into the woman's home, surrounded b the very beast that had chased her only moments earlier. They were huge, she guessed at least 4 feet at the shoulder and covered in thick shaggy fur. They looked like dogs, but not quite.

"What are they?" She asked Ma as one of the beast trotted at her side and brushed her hand with its nose.

"Let's get you taken care of first," Ma told her. "Then you can ask me anything you like."

They entered the house and she was delighted to be greeted by an interior  that exuded warmth and coziness, a stark contrast to the horrors they had just encountered outside. Ma led her to a simple wooden table, where she cleaned Latavia's wounds with gentle care, the sting of antiseptic causing Latavia to wince.

As Ma bandaged her wounds, she spoke in a soothing voice, her words painting a vivid picture of her life in this hidden sanctuary. "You see, child, what appears to be the middle of the woods from your side is actually much closer to the road on the other side. It's a place where I have found solace amidst the chaos of the world. I've been here for quite a while and these beautiful beast," She reached down and stroked the fur of a large brown canine that lay peacefully at her feet. "They have existed here far longer than than even the town itself.

As Latavia's wounds were tended to, Ma brewed a soothing herbal tea that filled the air with its comforting aroma. Ma got up and walked over to the stove, preparing two cups of tea. She returned to the table and continued telling her tale. Latavia listened intently, her curiosity piqued by Ma's words as she sipped the warm sweet liquid. She couldn't help but wonder how this secluded haven existed right under their noses, offering respite to those in need. They sat at the wooden table, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on the walls. Ma shared stories of the forest's mysteries, recounting legends passed down through generations.

"The Redhill forest holds many secrets, child," Ma began, her voice filled with a mix of caution and fascination. "Legends speak of ancient powers, of spirits that roam these woods. Some say they are protectors, while others believe they are vengeful entities. It is a realm where darkness and light intertwine, and those who venture into its depths must be prepared for what they may encounter."

Latavia listened, captivated by Ma's words. The tales resonated within her, intertwining with her own experiences and the lurking shadows that haunted her nightmares. She had sensed a malevolence within the forest, an unseen force that hungered for the unwary.

"These masterful creatures are protectors of these woods, this entire area actually. They cover hundreds of miles and ensure that this land remains undisturbed. As of late, with the beginning of the recent murders, they have been especially on edge." She explained. "Who ever has been committing these horrible things has been in these woods. You see, the hounds aren't the only dangers that dwell amongst the trees at night."

As the night deepened, Ma offered Latavia a place to rest, explaining that it wasn't safe to venture back down the trail at night and assuring her that she would be safe within the walls of her sanctuary. Latavia didn't dare call her parent's and have to tell them what she had done and how she had almost been eaten by mythical forest guardians, instead she opted for texting L.A. to assure him that she was safe and would talk to him tomorrow and then settled into a comfortable bed, the weariness weighing heavy upon her. She closed her eyes, the image of L.A. and the beasts etched in her mind. Thoughts of her parents, her friends, and the ordeal they had faced together swirled through her consciousness.

In the darkness of her mind, Latavia found herself reflecting on the fragility of life and the bonds that held her close. She yearned to see her parents again, to tell them how much she loved them. Her thoughts drifted to her friends, especially Brooklyn, hoping they had found their way to safety. And above all, her mind was consumed with concern for L.A., the friend who had been torn from her side during their escape.

As sleep embraced her, Latavia surrendered to the embrace of dreams, a respite from the terrors that had plagued her waking hours. In her slumber, she saw flashes of the beast's snarling jaws and the haunting glow of their eyes. She relived the desperate race through the forest, her heart pounding in her chest and her eyes fluttering beneath her lids.

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