7. Nothing but a Stranger

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From the past three years many people have approached Jeongguk to date him. But he always replied them with a simple no.

It's not like, he did not want to move on but a part of him always knew where his heart belonged. So he just did not want to lead someone on and then break their heart by saying that he was not ready for a relationship just because his heart still ached for the one who left him three years ago.

Yeah left him and ruined everything.
Their love. Their relationship.

"Gukkie" He hears a whisper.

He hears voice of someone his eyes longed to see, his hands ached to hold and his heart desired to love. To say he was shocked to see Tae, his Tae, here in his arms once again would be an understatement.

He was feeling the emotions, that he felt all these years, all at once.

But the mere flashback of how Taehyung left him years ago, by just leaving an apology letter behind, overcomes each and every emotion in him and anger overtakes his mind.

He looks in Taehyung's eyes for the last time before straightening their position and removing his arms from his waist.

"Oh my god Taehyung! Are you ok??" Jimin asks walking towards their direction. The group follows behind.

Taehyung was still in a daze looking towards Jeongguk. Right now all he wanted to do was to run back into his Gukkie's arms and say a series of sorry to him until he forgives him.

But of course he can't do that.

"I-I am fine J-Jimin" He smiles half heartedly.

Jimin smiles back and then asks Jeongguk if he was ok. Jeongguk just nods avoiding Taehyung's gaze towards him.

"Do you guys like know each other? Why are you so awkward all of a sudden?? "
Jihyo asks suspiciously. She saw how Jeongguk looked towards Tae with some sort of longing? and then abruptly stood and removed his arms from him.

"Uh-" Before Taehyung could say anything. Jeongguk says, "No we don't know each other. We are completely strangers." This time looking straight in Taehyung's eyes. His face was expressionless as he said so.

That's right... We are not friends... nor enemies... just strangers with old memories...
Taehyung thinks with lost eyes.

"Jihyo how would they know each other? Tae joined the university today only and before that he was not even in Korea. So how could they know each other?? " Jimin says.

"By the way time to be mediator once again. Tae this is Jeongguk and Jeongguk this is Taehyung. " He again says as he takes both their hands and makes them do a handshake. They both hold each others hand and Jeongguk suddenly pulls away after a second.

"N-nice to meet you, J-Jeongguk-shi" Taehyung says with a stutter.

"Woah Taehyung you don't have to call him this formally, you can call him Jeongguk-ah, Jeonggukkie or just Jeongguk. Or even bunny, you know when he smiles he looks like a bunny."

Of course Taehyung knows.

He knows his Gukkie better than anyone standing there.

"Just don't call him Gukkie, he never lets us call him that" Jimin adds with a whisper.

Something inside Taehyung just broke. Oh yeah it was his heart yet once again.

"Are you done Jimin? I have more important works than standing here. So I am going. Ok?" Jeongguk says as he turns on his feets and starts walking out of the parking lot.

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