Chapter 5

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Kirsnick on the bottom of the bleachers watching the pep rally around him. He hadn't been to something like this since he was in school, but it was everything that he remembered. He was here early, and it was quiet but once the gym was full it was so loud. He looked around at all the decorations that he and the students in the club had worked on, and the banner that the football team was going to run through when everything got into full swing.

"You did a nice job finger-painting those signs," his uncle laughed as he sat down beside him. Kirsnick looked over at his uncle and rolled his eyes.

"Shut up," he said.

He leaned back against the seat behind him as the band started to play. The dancers and the cheerleaders were putting on a show. The football coach walked to the middle of the floor and announced they were going to play a game and they needed two teachers to compete against two of the football players. Kirsnick was counting down the minutes until it was time to go, and he had been so busy watching his watch that he didn't realize that the entire gym was chanting his name. He looked over at his uncle who had a huge grin stretched across his face.

"What?" he asked them.

He popped up from his seat and started toward the middle of the floor. "come on bruh, it's your time to shine."

Kirsnick huffed and followed his uncle to the middle of the floor where he stood with the coach and wo of the football players. The cheerleaders had set up a small obstacle course for this game they wanted to play.

It was simple. They would start at one end of the court, run to halfcourt, make a shot, and run back the first team to make five baskets would win the teacher vs student game.

"You remember how to do this huh nephew?" his uncle asked. "I like games, but I don't play with kids."

"So, you just wanna beat these kids?" he asked.

"Duh nigga," he replied. "And take that stupid tie off."

"This is a designer tie," he replied.

"You don't even own a bed and you have a designer tie?" Quavious asked him. "What kind of priorities are those?"

"Says the guy that wants to beat kids in a game." kirsnick started to loosen his tie, and the gym around him erupted in hellish screams, he looked up and the female student were screaming like they were front row at a concert.

"Calm down calm down!" Dr. Smith called into the microphone. "Keep it PG Mr. Ball."

"I am, I am." He took his tie and looked around for a place to put it. Ms. Tatum trotted out to him with her hand out and he handed her the tie before walking over to the line where they would start the game. When the whistle blew Quavious took off first, he ran to half court and grabbed a ball from the rack. It took him a few tries but he made the shot. The other team was right behind him. Kirsnick got to halfcourt and made the shot on the first try. He jogged back to the spot where they started, and his uncle went to halfcourt for his turn. They stayed neck and neck with the students for the entire time.

It was the last shot, kirsnick and his uncle had 4 and the students were still at a score of 2. He trotted out to halfcourt but instead of facing the basket he turned around to face his uncle, who gave nothing but a knowing smile. He's made this shot a million times, as an adult just for fun, and as a member of the basketball team back when he was a student. He took a look over his shoulder, and with one hand threw the ball back.

He didn't even turn around to see if he had made it, because he could tell by the pure chaos the erupted from the students. He walked over to his uncle who laughed and said. "You didn't even have to do those kids like that."

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