Prologue: The Young Child.

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Third person view:
the village was completely destroyed with frost, no one alive accept a young girl and her mother on the brink of death. The girl looked to be the age of 8 or younger. She begged her mother to stay, not to leave her alone. "My dear sweet child please don't cry tears of sorrow." Said the mother. She held the young child in a tight hug as frost soon becoming ice trailed up her body slowly killing her. The girl sobbed uncontrollably, scared, scared that the thought of losing her she did with her friends, her family, and neighbors were dead because of her. Her uncontrollable powers no, her magic was the reason this had happened.
The ice that slowly came up her mother's body. Before the mother had passed she gave her daughter a necklace, the necklace
Was a snowy white before her mother had placed it on her daughter, when she did it glowed a light baby blue with a mix of teal.
"This is the last bit of guidance I can give you my child of light, it will help with your magic like it did with your father before he had passed. Take it, take as a sign that no matter what both of your parents are still with you, me and your father I'm sorry dear but I must go now." The mother was holding her child's shoulders after putting the necklace on the girl her mother finally being consumed by the ice. The girl looked in horror as she sees her mother consumed by ice. She let out a scream of terror, along with a powerful blast of ice that covered everything in a five hundred mile radius,

The temperature dropped from -10 to -50. Then came a monk on a cloud looking at the girl saying "I'm sorry for your loss but may you please come with me" he looked at the girl with a calm expression. She looked at the monk "P-please say you can help her! S-She is my mother" the monk looked at his feet then after a few moments of silence other then the girl's sniffles as she tried to calm herself he looked up, "I'm sorry there is nothing I can do to help you she has passed the border of life and death."
After hearing that the girl failed at calming herself down and broke down instead. "Come with me, we can make sure this doesn't happen again, so that no one else gets hurt, First though I need to know your name so I can help." She looked up looking like an absolute mess as tears stain her face "M-my name I-is A-Astrid Snowflint (you can change the name if you want.) she tried to say as clear as possible blue so the monk understands her and he did. He carefully comes close and picks her up onto the cloud then teleport to a mountain to where there are many pupils two of them standing out as they looked like monkeys the monk lands back to the ground the pupils taking notice and look at him and the young girl.

This is where Astrid's journey begins meeting the two monkeys.

End of prologue.

First chapter released on June 23th

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