..Fall Out Like Leaves..

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We're falling out like leaves,
maybe we weren't meant to stay forever
But I feel sad and empty as if.
As if our friendship is falling out,
slowly but surely like how sloths move.

Leaves go faster than how I pictured,
I imagined they fell slowly for drama
I imagined the leaves didn't fall like us.
I imagined their friends didn't crumble
I imagined theirs didn't crumble like,
Like how a tree falls; swift and fast.
Too swift for my heart,
I know we're not really losing
Not losing one another but,
It hurts like we weren't really friends.

Like leaves weren't really trees
We fall like leaves but instead of gently
We are destructive
And we crumble the ground,
Because we can't handle when
The leaves fall like our friendships.

I trust that once you realize
What I mean, I will still be there.
Still floating down slowly but not surely.

I hope we don't always fall out
Like leaves

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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