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Pov Samira

My head was heavy, but I managed to wake up, I was in our room, the daylight told me it must be late in the morning.

"Bhabhi iiiii" I heard for a moment a relieved voice shouted, I thought for a moment it was Esan but why would he call me Babhi? Unless he's already decided to stop thinking of me as his wife and marry me off to his imaginary big brother, "Stop rambling Madam" my mind reminded me.

"How did I get here..." I asked Ameera softly, my voice barely audible.

The last thing I remembered was passing out on the floor trying to get home, after arguing with Esan.

She explained that I'd fainted because of emotional overload and the rain hadn't helped.

"Bhai took you straight to hospital, when we got there he was so scared of losing you, he kept going round and round, swearing that if anything happened to you, he'd never forgive himself, you woke up briefly in hospital but then became unconscious again, finally the doctor told us we could take you home, Bhai refused, still worried, but then decided to hire a nurse to look after you at home," she tells me in a concerned voice.

I nod, assimilating the information, "How long was I unconscious? "I ask.

"2 weeks" she tells me honestly, and I look at her wide-eyed

"2 WEEKS? "I ask, shocked, repeating her words.

" We were about to take you to hospital if you didn't wake up fully today, but thankfully by Allah you are" she says happily.

I smile, slightly, and a question pops into my head: "Where's your Bhai?" i ask in a casual voice.

"Babhi doesn't blame him, he's been here day and night, looking after you, waiting for you to open my eyes, but he had to go on an urgent business trip yesterday," she said in an apologetic tone.

I was certainly disappointed by her answer, but somehow relieved, unable for the moment to see him or even talk to him' Ameera returned a few seconds later with my mother-in-law and father-in-law, both relieved to see me awake, handed Rizwan to me and I relaxed.

"My darling, you gave us a fright, never again, I'll let you roam in the rain" Mrs Farooqi affectionately reprimands me, making me smile.

Mr Farooqi simply runs a hand over my hair like a father would, and stops his wife from reprimanding me even more, my parents soon arrive, my mother bursts into tears in front of me, tearing my body even more.

"SAMIRA, you'll never do that to us again!" she screams at me, her eyes flooded with tears.

My father at his side, joins us in our calinerie session, "we're down to you Samira, be careful" he asks me softly in an almost pleading tone.

I tightened my embrace on you, "I never intended to abandon you, forgive me for having frightened you" I said in a sorry tone.

After an hour of crying and cuddling, everyone finally leaves except Mrs Farooqi who stays to serve soup, "Please leave me Rizwan" I ask them with my puppy dog eyes.

She seemed to hesitate for a long time. "My dear, you need to rest, you're still tired" she said hesitantly.

"Please?" I ask, blinking.

She finally smiled, amused, leaving Rizwan in my arms "I'll come back for him late, no more negotiation, young lady, otherwise I'll call Esan and he'll scold you" she said sternly.

She left, I looked at Esan more closely, placing him on my lap "My little angel, you missed me, didn't you? I've missed you too, I'm sure I've seen you a lot in my dreams" I said, giving him thousands of kisses to make up for lost time, my heart loosening as I watched him smile and speak in a language I only half knew.

He fell back asleep on my lap, rocking gently, and I smiled, his hair had grown out nicely, it would have to be cut.

My gaze wandered to my phone, switched off, and I turned it back on, the first thing I saw displayed as a notification was a message from Esan. I thought about whether to look at it or not, but finally opened it.

"If you're currently reading this message, it means you're fine, I'm glad you're awake sweetie, believe it or not the moment I saw you passed out on the floor, my heart stopped beating, I felt like I was taking all the punishment for my behavior before and it was touching you, It was so hard for me to spend those weeks seeing you only asleep, sometimes I had the impression that you stopped breathing and that was enough for me to stop mine, I was unable to separate myself from you, and reluctantly I left for this trip, but I continued to pray day and night, for you to get better and Alhamdouillah, you are better. I also know you're angry, hurt because of everything you've learned but please let me explain in my own words, only then make your decision, I'm not going to lie to you that I hope you'll give me one more chance out of your big heart, on the other hand I also know it's selfish of me but what else can I do? I love you and it's not just empty words, I thought I loved Nila, I didn't, I felt an affection for Sonia, in short Samira what do I mean by that, It's that you're my FIRST LOVE, the one and only, Please rest and wait for me, I'd rather talk to you face-to-face than by message, but if you feel like calling me first, don't hesitate, I'd love to."

I turned off my mobile, pensive, my heart despite the wound he'd inflicted on me with his lies still managing to melt at his words.

"Rizwan, I love your abu but... I don't know what to do... It hurts... too" I said in frustration, lost in looking at Rizwan.

He slept quietly, oblivious to my confusion, and I wished I could sleep.

To my great sadness, Mrs Farooqi comes to fetch Rizwan as planned, and I try to stop her: "Samira, let's wait, just until you are completly fine" she says gently, seeing me sulk.

"I'm already in shape, I slept for 2 weeks" I remind her, sulking.

"because you was tired, so off to bed, Miss" she said, half amused, half exasperated by my behavior.

Reluctantly, with one last kiss on Rizwan's forehead, she left with him, turning off the bedroom light.

I tossed and turned in the bed, incessantly every five minutes, why was this mattress so big?

"Don't say that Samira, please, I LOVE YOU."

Esan's words echoed in my head, ii loved me? I could hardly believe it, maybe he was playing me but another part of me, calmed down, believed in his sincerity and wanted to know what he wanted to tell me.

Maybe I should have let him talk or not.... ARGH! Ya Allah why couldn't I make a final decision, was I that weak? I turned the other way, where Esan was usually lying, pressed up against me, hugging me by my waist, a smile appeared on my lips at the thought of our closeness in this position, I repressed it immediately.

"I saw you Mrs Farooqi", he teased my mind.

"You haven't seen anything and don't call me Mrs Farooqi, call me Samira" I replied mentally.

I finally got out of bed awkwardly, it's true that my body was quite heavy, I hadn't yet recovered my footing, I headed for my sagebrush, where I picked up some peppermint oil, it helps me fall asleep, I put some lightly on my forehead and rubbed it on.

I put the little bottle down, my gaze wandering over to one of Esan's shirts, the purple one, my favorite, hesitantly, I take it in my hands and close the wardrobe.

I stared at it for a long moment as if Esan himself were standing in front of me, but fortunately that wasn't the case.

I was angry with him, and hurt, but still, his shirt looked comforting to me, not because it belonged to him.

Of course not, because it was a color I liked. "That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard, but yes, if it'll help you fall asleep," whispered my inner voice, which I suddenly felt like punching.

Despite this, I set my dupatta down a little further, put on his shirt and went off to lie down.

Esan's scent enveloped me, the mattress didn't seem so big anymore, it wasn't actually its size that bothered him, but the emptiness it let me see, the void it left.

I closed my eyes and soon felt myself drifting off to sleep.

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