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Pov Esan

My eyelids were so heavy, it took me a moment to realise where I was, it looked like a hospital room and I wasn't happy about it.

I had already briefly opened my eyes, but it was difficult to keep looking as I felt them close on their own.

I put my eyes on Samira, she was asleep peacefully on a sofa, I took off the mask that was over my face, and tried slightly to get up despite my weakened body, I had not yet fully mastered the control of my movements.

"Esan, what are you doing? "said Samira's alarmed voice.

She looked at me worriedly and rushed over to me: "You shouldn't be making any heavy effort, let alone removing your mask without the doctor's permission", she scolded me seriously, as if I were a disruptive child.

She grabs the oxygen mask and hands it to me. "Put that down and come here," I say, pulling her against me.

I make some space in my bed and force her to lie down next to me, her head resting on my left arm. "Esan. You're going to be in some pain, let me get up," she said, still worried.

I rolled my eyes at how worried my wife was. "She had good reason, Mr. I'm falling into a coma" my conscience ironically reminded me, defending Samira.

Samira was about to say one more thing but I silenced her, placing my fingers on her soft lips. "Shhhhh, just five seconds" I asked her softly

She fell silent, and I wrapped my free arm around her waist, bringing her close to me, she let her hands rest on my shoulder blades, and we stayed in each other's embrace for a little while, I could feel her breathing slowing as mine did, we were the perfect tranquilliser for each other.

"I missed you, you knew how much I was looking forward to this moment, it had all been so quick, Harshad shot you, and I saw you struggling with life and death in just a few seconds, I thought I'd almost lost you, but I also knew you weren't going to give up on me, you promised Esan," she whispered to me emotionally.

I placed a kiss on her forehead for the courage she'd had to endure all this and I felt with satisfaction the few shivers on her skin from my gesture

"I missed you horribly too, at the very moment I fainted, I didn't want to leave, I was fighting with all my strength to stay alive, I'd only just found you, I wasn't ready but I was never far from you, did you know that? All that time, I could hear you, it was so frustrating, I couldn't move, I couldn't hold you, I couldn't comfort you when you cried, I hate myself for being like that, but I knew I was going to wake up, I was sure of it, and now you're in my arms," I said, whispering to her so as not to break our little moment.

She pulled back slightly, letting me see her face, a smile on her lips and a slightly wet look in her eyes." I forbid you to cry Samira, you've already cried too much, especially because of me" I told her in a scolding tone, but at least she laughed and wiped her eyes in advance.

"Whose fault is that, sir? I'm not the one who told you to sleep for five months, OK, I'm a bit difficult in terms of character, Ammi has always told me that, but to ignore me for all that time, that's very mean of you" she laughed, putting on a vexed expression.

"Very well, I'll never sleep all this time or ignore you again" I promised her, following her logic, which wasn't a logical one.

I kissed her lovingly, and she closed her eyes, I'm not going to lie that I was also looking forward to this moment.

"Ouch..." she exclaimed, wincing in pain.

I looked at her in incomprehension, I hadn't hurt her, she was hurt, she looked disapprovingly at her stomach with her eyebrows furrowed.

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