Part 2

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(please watch the video in up)

Now let start the story

On other side in yashaswini room she is taking Krishn statue.......
"kanha you know today I am so happy today is my dance competition and I know that today I will win the competition because you with me and I will believe in you" I said this to Kanha and suddenly I here Neha is calling me
"Yashu come fast we have to leave" she said
"Coming" I said and take kanha and put in my bag then I go to living room and see Neha is waiting for me
"Let's go" I said then we go to sit on a car Neha was in driving seat and I was in passenger seat Neha start to driving after 10 minutes yashu spoke
"Stop the car near the temple" I said
"Ok" she said and try to break but car didn't stop
"What happened why you didn't stop the car" I said
"I try to stop the card didn't stop"she said
"What!!!! Now what we will do" I said look at her and she look at me back
"Neha see front" I said and we see one car coming from front and both car collided with each other and get blank.....

That's for today hope you like it I know this is short chapter but next chapter will be long please vote for me and tell me you like the chapter or not

Radhe Radhe 🙏❤️

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