Part 14

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Yashu woke up immediately she was breathing so heavily after sometime she feel little bit relax she stand from her bed and walk towards balcony and the see moon and close her eyes she can feel the coldest touch her body and made her feel good

Yashu woke up immediately she was breathing so heavily after sometime she feel little bit relax she stand from her bed and walk towards balcony and the see moon and close her eyes she can feel the coldest touch her body and made her feel good

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(Ignore the background and background person)
"Kanha" first word came out of her mouth after sometime she hear a voice
"Yashu" she hear her name she turn and see Krishna was standing there

"What are you doing now and how did you come inside an-"yashu cut off by him"Relax yashu ask one by one" krishna said"Ok Now tell me what are you doing" yashu ask "You only call me" krishna said"But how did came inside" yashu ask"You forgot who am I

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"What are you doing now and how did you come inside an-"yashu cut off by him
"Relax yashu ask one by one" krishna said
"Ok Now tell me what are you doing" yashu ask
"You only call me" krishna said
"But how did came inside" yashu ask
"You forgot who am I....... I can go anywhere anytime I wish" krishna said
"Now can I ask for you why you call me" krishna said
"Kahan I want to ask you something" yashu said
"What you want to ask about all this nightmare" krishna said and yashu nod
"I can't tell you but time will tell you" krishna said
"Kanha can you fulfill my one wish" yashu ask
"What you want"Krishna ask
"First you have to promise me that you fulfill my wish" yashu said
"Okay promise now tell me what you want" krishna said
(What you think yashu ask)
"I want to see Goloka" yashu said
"What??? is impossible" krishna said
"I don't know I want to see Goloka if you can't then don't talk to me" yashu said
"Yashu........ Listen to me".Krishna said yashu moved her face to another side
"I don't want to listen everything" yashu said
Now krishna have no choice he agreed
"Okay I am ready.......but I have one condition" krishna said and yashu look at Krishna with happiness

but I have one condition" krishna said and yashu look at Krishna with happiness

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