Birthday Cake (Midnight + reader)

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Smoke billowed through the long and winding corridors of the castle. You printed to the kitchen, from which the smoke was coming from. You slammed the door open to find Midnight staring right at you. The kitchen was a mess, flour covered the walls, eggs dripped from the ceiling and milk was spilt all over the floor. A sad lump of cylindrical charcoal sat at Midnight's feet.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean too-"

"I'm not mad Midnight, I just...What were you doing?"

"Well...I was trying to bake you a birthday cake, but you see how well it turned out."

"Ah, I see."

"I just don't get it. I love food, and I love cooking, so why am I so bad at it? It's-it's not fair!" The little dragon let out an angry outburst of pent up frustration.

"Hmmm, how about we clean up a bit and then we bake a cake together."

"Ok," said Midnight with little enthusiasm.

While baking with Midnight, you observed a very interesting thing. The things Midnight struggled with was not actual baking itself, it was the tools. They were all designed for human hands and her dragon claws and jaws just could not handle them effectively.

You smiled, as you put the cake into the oven. It already smelled delicious to you.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry that I am such a failure that you had to help me bake your cake on your birthday."

You laughed lightheartedly. "Don't be. I really enjoyed spending time baking with you. This cake will be twice as special, since we made it together." You frowned a little, wondering how best to word what you were going to say next. "Midnight...I think I found the reason why baking was so hard for you. None of the culinary tools are designed for dragons."

"Are you saying that I will never be able to bake?" asked Midnight.
"No," you said, reassuring her, "back in my home there is a saying, where there's a will there's a way. You'll find a way to bake eventually, but it will be hard. I don't want you to ever fear asking for help. Now, I don't know about you, but I am eager to dig into that cake!

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