The past haunts the present (Reader + Hiccup, Thistleroot & Midnight)

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A/n : I just wanted to give a quick tw this chapter does contain descriptions of physical and mental abuse

You were currently eating dinner with your boyfriend's parents. They were very nice, but for some reason you couldn't quite pinpoint, you felt uncomfortable.

"And that is the story of Baby Hiccup's first time swimming." Stoick had just gotten done telling a story that had left Hiccup blushing as red as his hair.

"Father! I told you not to tell that story at the dinner table!" It was cute seeing Hiccup flustered.

You placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine, I thought it was sweet."

"So, [reader], Hiccup tells us that you are from a far away place."

"Oh yes," you laugh lightly, "really far away."

"How are you liking the archipelago?" asked Valhallarama.

"It's a bit rainy and the people are a little loud but other then that, it's lovely."

"Do you miss your family."

Why did they have to ask that question, out of all the other questions they could have possibly asked. You gripped your fork tightly.

Not very much," you said quietly.

"Oh, well how..." Hiccup's parents were still talking but you weren't listening. The fabric of your shirt, didn't you wear this shirt when your parents-and the food, weren't you eating this exact meal when you-It's raining outside just like that time-

You now noticed that everyone had stopped talking and was starting at you.

"I'm going to go get some water."

"You have water right here." A thorough confused Hiccup pointed to your half empty glass of water on the table. You didn't stop, you just power walked to your bedroom so that you could have your mental breakdown in peace. Just like back home.

When you came out of your bedroom eyes still red. Hiccup's parents had long since finished dinner and were getting ready to leave.

"Are you quiet alright, your eyes are a"

"I was...," you searched your mind for a credible excuse,"smoking."

"But you don't smoke?" said Hiccup.

"Shut up," you whispered. Hiccup wisely decided that this was not a good time to debate you.

This explanation seemed to suit Stoick but not Vallhalarama. "I thought you went to get water."

"Yes, I got water and then I smoked."

"You don't strike me as someone who smokes." You just smiled awkwardly and shrugged your shoulders.

Valhallarama put her arm on your shoulder. you shuttered and slide back ever so slightly.

"If you ever need anything you can find us on Berk."

"Ok," you gave a weak smile. "I'll keep that in note, thank you."

As soon as Hiccup's parents left, he immediately took your hands rubbing it slightly in hope of giving some comfort.

"[Reader], is there something bothering you?" You shook your head even though you were still clearly in destress.

"Come now, I thought we were beyond you lying to me, remember your promise."

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