Chapter 1: Newcomers (backstory)

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We had been preparing for the past two years to set sail for England, gathering resourses, men and navigation technology for even though father was a high Jarl, England was hard to prepare for, but finally it was time for the journey, my two brothers Arne and Hali stayed with mother for they were too young, only 7 and 9. I had been unbelievably exited for the journey, father tried to warn how harsh the condition onboard could get but all I could think of was that rich and beautiful land that the wanderers had been talking about all this time. I wore my favoriote armour and sharpened my sword, made mother braid my hair in a traditional style to impress my fellow worriers, and finally said good-bye to my land.

I admit, after the first few days I had my doubts... the winds were sharp and the boat never stood still, but towards the forth day I felt more connected to the crew mates and they distracted me from all the uncomforts with their jokes and games. Finally the seventh day came and land could be seen as soon as we woke, the excitement was more than I could handle, the strong rush of blood made me vomit and my heart hurt, my crew mates probably though I was insane jumping around and giggling with excitement.

The plan was to get to the coast of East Anglia and from there settle for a bit in Norwich with an Allie and friend, Jarl Harogar, and once we had streangth and more worriers, we would take over an Earl in Cambridgeshire and settle there. Months flew by and Fathers reputation grew much stronger, as did my knowlege, he had taught me fighting tactics that had saved my life multiple times on the battle field, he taught me negotiation, battle advantages, how to deal matters of law and confrontation, and soon I became one of his advisors.

I grew bored in Cambridgeshire... I wanted to feel my blood rush again! I wanted to go raiding! And I knew exactly where. Wessex was a a famously rich kingdom and even though I knew that a raid there would not be taken lightly by its King I still presented the idea to my father, explaining that many worriers felt the same way and we had enough allies and power for the King not to react in an aggressive manor, besides, it would rise our reputation which would attract more worriers with which we could expand our conquest, Father didn't seem too enthusiastic, he was a man of intelect and always looked to sort matters peacefully, but what Viking could say no to a better reputation and possibly more land? So, he agreed that on the night of my upcoming seventeenth birthday I could gather a raiding party of worriers and friends and plunder a village just inside Wessex. It was a refreshing experiance, hearing the screams and watching blood burst out with one, satisfying, swing. The village need up being generous, It had two bountiful churches and many challenging fighters which served me good practice, we decided to light a large fire and gather round as we sang songs and feasted. By noon the next day we were back at Cambridgeshire and telling the tale of our plentiful raid, father was jokingly telling me off in advance, saying he regretted the decision and if a Saxon army was knocking on our door the next day I would have to be the one dealing with it.

A week went by, nothing, another week, not a word, nearly a month passed and I saw this as a green light, Alfred was not so great after all, and I was willing to see how long he could be poked for, I discussed a second raiding party with father but he was hesitant, unfortunately for him, too many people felt differently so there we were, raiding yet another generous village of Wessex, this time the raiding party was much bigger, no one wanted to miss out. Still, after the raid we didn't hear a peep from the King, this time even father grew more confused and the word spread.

Just as I was preparing for another raid, father received a message, from Wessex, and rapidly called me to the hall to show me then letter, it was a mildly threatening message, mentioning how many men Alfred had and offering a negotiation in Winchester or indeed he would send his army at our doorstep. I offered a plan to my father, to beat them in battle or to negotite land or even gold, but he shut me down immediately, telling me I clouded his judgment enough and all I would be doing is listing carefully to the negotiation and learning the way of peace. This destroyed me... I had never disappointed my father this much and the days following of him being more and more distante and cold really affected me. My father decided to negotiated, for what he did not tell me, but the day came when it was time to take the trip to Winchester, it was awfully silent, I was not looking forward to the negotiations or the long trip.

First of all I wanna say I didn't proof read this so if there's spelling mistakes, ignore them lol.
You guys have no idea what's coming next chapter 😘
Also idk if this was too short or long

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