Chapter 10: 'What's That Horrible HORRIBLE Smell?!'

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"Good morning Hogster, another day at th- ohh yea, we are not at the farm." Hogster wakes up and snorts very lowly. He tries to get up, but he's too tired. "Aww c'mon Hogster, you can't be that tired, you always wake up at 5 in the morning!" A low snort comes from Hogster. "Aww Hogster, get.., UP!" Then, Nick had turned Hogster over since he didn't stand. "Ohh crap! Hogster, you got shot!" He looked at the arrow in his chest. "Uhh..." (What do I do? Do I pull it out? Uhh...) "YOLO!" Nick said as he pulled out the arrow. He got splinters and cut by the broken arrow. Then, Nick got some sap and some leaves and stuck it over the wound. "There, better?" A snort came from Hogster, so he was most likely okay. "C'mon, let's go, the village is probably that way! I can just tell."
So they walked on, strolling through the woods. Then, after about 4-5 hours, Nick smelled something. "Uhh!" *cough cough* [Holds his nose] "What's that horrible HORRIBLE smell?! God, I can smell it holding my nose! Wait, it is a familiar smell. Something I always smell in the farm. When something, is dead. Let's go see what it is!" Then Hogster launched Nick off and squealed, refusing to go. "Fine, I'll see what it is myself. And if it's another cow and it's still fresh, it's ALL mine!" Then Hogster snapped and loaded Nick on his back. Venturing slowly, they creep up to the horrible smell. Then, when they get close enough, they see a blue figure surrounded by flies. "Hmm.., what is th- MATTHEW!Ohh no! He died? He died! No, this can't happen! Why, why why! How am I going to tell them? How ami going to get home? Ohh you can't be dead, you can't be!"

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