Almost Over

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The next morning, Alex is still asleep so Stefan slips into the shower before heading out to his car and driving off. Thirty minutes later, he pulls up to the house he used to call home. He sighs and climbs out of his car walking up to the door and walking in just as Damon comes down the stairs shirtless in pajam shorts with Elena behind him in his shirt.

"Stefan" she gasps.

"Damon living room now alone" he says and walks around the corner.

Damon follows Stefan into the living room and walks over to the bar.

"What brings you here brother" Damon asks?

"I need your advice and no sassy or dick comments" Stefan says.

"Alright I'll try" Damon says.

"Yesterday night Alex and I got into a fight about the baby" Stefan says.

"Daddy problems already" Damon teases pouring himself a drink.

"What'd I say" Stefan snaps.

"Alright continue" Damon says.

"She was talking giving the baby up for adoption so he or she can live a human life. I told her that I may not stay with her if she does" Stefan says.

"Stefan. Stefan. Stefan that is a horribe thing to say to a pregnant lady. Hell even I know that" Damon says.

"I was angry she was deciding our child's fate without consulting me" Stefan growls.

"Is this about her and the baby or mom" Damon asks?

"What does she have to do with anything" Stefan asks?

"Stefan our mom died when you were little. She left us at the hands of a cruel man. We both suffer from abandonment issues while mine are visible yours are only shown to certain people, like when you turned me so you wouldn't be alone. And now the thought of losing your child is triggering that" Damon says.

"So how do I fix it then" Stefan asks?

"You talk it out" Damon says.

Stefan sighs and stands up before heading out to the door when Damon calls out to him.

"Hey Stefan why did you come to me for advice" Damon asks?

"You're a dick and an asshole. But you always give me somewhat good advice and will always be my brother and an uncle to my child" Stefan says.

Damon smiles and Stefan nods before walking out closing the door behind him.

Alex is sitting in the living room watching TV eating a bowl of cereal when Stefan walks in, he slips out of his jacket and hangs it up.

"Hey where did you go" she asks?

"I went to see Damon" he says.

"Oh" she says as he walks into the kitchen pulling out an carton of animal blood and pouring himself a glass of it before filling it up.

Alex follows him into the kitchen sitting her bowl down on the counter as he grabs his warm blood out of the microwave and taking a sip.

"What did you guys talk about" she asks?

"Us" Stefan says.

"What about us" Alex asks?

"He made me realize I have abandonment issues" Stefan says.

"I never threatened to abandon you" she says.

"Yes you did. You threatened to take my child from me" he says.

"Stefan I was upset and hormonal" she says.

"That's not an excuse! All my life I dreamed of having a family. My own wife and children and I thought I could have that with you but then you bring up adoption and my world and my dreams come crashing down" he says not able to look her in the eye.

"Stefan I'm really sorry" she says walking around the corner to him.

Stefan ignores her and finishes his glass before putting the blood up and walking over to the doorway.

"Stef" she calls to him.

He turns around with his hands up anger and sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" she says.

"It's too late alright" he says and walks away and she can hear a door close as tears build in her eyes.

Stefan is still in the den with the door closed, Alex has her coat on and is bringing her bags by the door as tears slip down her cheeks. She slips off her engagement ring and places it on the living room table before grabbing her bags and heading towards the door when she hears footsteps and knows Stefan is behind her.

"Where are you going" he asks?

"Away" she says not looking at him.

"Why" Stefan asks?

"I don't want to hurt you anymore Stefan. All I do is hurt you" she says sniffing.

Stefan walks around her placing his hand on hers that are holding her bags while he steps around in front of her placing his hand on her cheek. Alex looks away from him but he brings her head back up so he is looking at her.

"Hey I didn't mean for you to leave" he says.

"You said it was too late for us" she whispers.

"I didn't mean it" he says leaning in pressing his forehead against hers.

"So you still love me" she asks?

"Yes" he says and Alex drops her bags before wrapping her arms around his waist.

Stefan wraps his arms around her and leaning down placing his lips against hers, Alex smiles against his lips before he pulls back. He takes her hand and leads her into the living room grabbing her engagement ring and slipping it back on her finger where it belongs.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you you too" she says as they head upstairs hand in hand.

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