Chapter 7: The First Day

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Izuku*mind: This place is boring....Who am I learning the same damn thing? Heh not my fault people can't remember jack shit!

Enid*Whispering: Hey~!....Hey~ Izuku do you remember the answer to D4? I got detracted listening to my music

Izuku: It's 4,8791, start paying attention I can't help you with all the answers, I'm a calculator you can use whenever you want

Enid: Sorry~ But my music is to good! If it were my choice I wouldn't be here! I wanted to try and probably do music for a living since I think I'm okay at it

Growing up I adored playing all instruments~ but my parents wanted me to pursue my education and possibly land a job as a lawyer or something

Izuku: Hm that kinda fits you

Enid*happy: You think so?!

Izuku: already have the hair color of the barbie doll and all you meed is the music

Enid: ~Hehe~ That's a new one, but your gonna have to listen to one of my songs when we're done with class to see if your right

Izuku: Whatever

The hours pass and class finally ended, Izuku went to the cafeteria and was heading outside when, he noticed that it started to rain hard

Annoyed by this Izuku was about to head towards his room until Wednesday walking, but something was off to him at least and so he decided to follow her until Enid showed up

Enid*excited: You ready to hear my songs now Izuku?!

Izuku: Yeah you go on ahead I'll meet you there I've just got to get something from my room

After finishing his sentence Izuku started to run off towards Wednesday's direction, while following her Izuku kept his distance as to not be noticed

But that's when she came to a complete stop, she then made her way inside a building, and so Izuku soon followed again, turns out it was fencing

????*smiles: You must be the psychopath they let in.

Wednesday: And you must be the self teaching appointed Queen Bee, interesting thing about bees, they pull out their stinger and they drop dead

Everyone: Oh!

After a minute of talking Izuku watched as both girls got into their fighting positions and went at each other, both showed amazing technique and skill

Izuku watched as both women were putting in their best effort, in the first round Wednesday had won, then Izuku watched as they took off their headgear the girl in the white obviously annoyed

????: That first point was clearly beginners luck... Let's finish this

Wednesday: For the final point I would like to invoke a military challenge, no masks, no tips... Winner draws first blook

Everyone: Oh....

????: It's your Decision Bianca

African girl looked Wednesday in the eye's, she could tell she was serious about this, Izuku just watched while leaning on the entrance way without anyone noticing

Bianca: Let's see if you bleed in black and white

Both immediately started going after each other, Wednesday did a quick spin followed by more attacks, quickly going for Bianca's feet, she reacted by backing up and continuing more attacks

But Wednesday just blocked them, Bianca then started to move in more making Wednesday back up, Wednesday then did a cartwheel avoiding Bianca's attacks until she was about to hit Wednesday

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