Chapter 8: The Festival

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Izuku*awakened: ~Uhh~ Hm? Where am I?

Enid*Smiles: Morning Green Bean! ~Heh~Heh~ How'd you sleep

Looking down Izuku seen that he was cuddling with Enid, instantly Izuku fell to the floor from suprise

Enid*confused: What's wrong!? Did I scare you!? *gasp* Am I ugly!!

Izuku: W-What?! N-No! You just suprised me, it's just instinct no one's ever hugged me to bed

Getting up from the ground Izuku sat back on the bed, then was hugged from behind by the joyful girl who rested her chin on his shoulder

Enid: Oh I understand, sorry I startled you, You fell asleep when we were listening to music, I gotta say you have good taste in music

Izuku: So Where exactly am I?

Enid: Oh! You're in my and Wednesday's room, I offered to take you to you're room but Wednesday told me what you're room looked like

I gotta say! That's disgusting, I never even knew this place had a basement, but I wouldn't understand why Mrs Weem put you down there


Enid: So I offered to let you sleep in my bed, since Wednesday was asleep when I was going to ask her

Izuku*curious: She fell asleep that fast?

Enid*smiles: ~Heh~ That's what I said, but in all honesty you're like a marshmallow

Slowly Enid started rub Izuku's chest, Izuku was confused by this and was starting to get uncomfortable, and so to distract her Izuku decided to make small talk

Izuku: What time is it?

Enid: Oh it's 2am clock we sort of fell asleep at 12 ish, I think it's best we get back to bed so we're not tired for class

Izuku: Y-yeah

Both began to lay back down, Enid began to lay on top of Izuku who just looked else where, but soon he felt 2 hands go under his shirt

Izuku: W-what are you doing?

Enid*smiling: You have nice muscles, I also just want to repay you for helping grt us out of trouble with that teacher, he was a real jerk

Izuku: Y-You know I was also doing it for me right?

Enid: Duh! I'm not that stupid, ~heh~heh~ but still nobody's ever stud up for me


Slowly Enid took off his shirt reaviling his Scard but muscular body, Enid smiled wider and slowly she leaned in and began to toch Izuku more

Izuku: I-I think we should stop

Enid*confused: Why? Am I doing something wrong? Or do you want to go even further? I'm a Virgi-

Izuku: N-No! J-just maybe next time *mind* Sorry but I'm saving myself for marriage or the perfect someone *out* p-plus I'm tired

Enid: *sigh* Fine but when the fair comes I want to hang out with you and possibly get on your good side

Izuku: F-fine

Enid: Good ~Chu~

Izuku: Hm!?

Izuku: Hm!?

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