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Hawaii was everything Mavis could have asked for.

Her father's postcard, as beautiful as it was, could never quite capture the lush essence of the islands. The trees and foliage, dull gray in the old photograph, was a rich expanse of colors to behold, from the natural green of plantlife to bed upon bed of brilliant flower blooms that ranged from red, purple, and anything in between. The sand was soft between her toes, almost powdering, as she stepped gingerly over it along the shores of Waikiki, a constant aroma of salt in the air as waves gently lapped at the beach. Next to her, she giggled as her adorable human boyfriend, Johnny, skipped along merrily, always full of energy and enthusiasm. Her hand had slipped into his, their fingers laced together comfortably, while they conversed idly. A couple of laughs and remarks later, the two had engaged in yet another game of twenty questions. Johnny had suggested it when first arriving as a quick way to get to know more about themselves, and they had been playing many rounds of it ever since they got to Hawaii. It worked, too. Mavis had learned a lot about him and it made her love him all the more for it.

She learned that he had lived in Santa Cruz all his life. She learned he had six brothers and two sisters. She learned that he had visited 100 of the 195 countries in the world, Transylvania included. She had learned that he was an experienced yellow-belt in karate since 1997. She learned that he loved to surf and sometimes did part-time gigs as a bar mitzvah DJ. It all fascinated her so much, and she tried to return the favor by providing as much insight to her life as well.

"Sooo...." Johnny pressed with boyish eagerness, "What's your favorite color?"

Mavis laughed lightly. "Come on, Johnny, haven't you already guessed that by now?"

She gestured down to her bathing suit, an all-black ensemble that hugged her form nicely.

"Black, then huh?" Johnny said.

Mavis nodded. "Of course! What's yours?"

"I like the whole rainbow, babe," he said with a chuckle. "Why choose when you could just look at it all?" He winked playfully and splashed some water of the ocean up into the air with his foot, the moonlight catching the droplets just right enough to reflect little rainbows within them. Mavis gasped happily as the water sparkled and let out a hearty laugh. "Johnny!" she squealed delightedly.

He grinned, pleased with himself. "All right, it's your turn!"

"Okay," she said, still breathless. "Favorite food?"

"Pizza," he immediately answered without hesitation. "And maybe even some scream cheese."

Mavis looked at him in surprise. "I thought you didn't like scream cheese?"

Johnny shrugged. "It grew on me."

They laughed and then Mavis went on. "Well, I guess that's it for me. I've reached the end of my twenty for now. But you still have one more, Johnny."

Johnny suddenly gave an unexpected reaction. He stiffened slightly and little beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. When he spoke, his voice was a little shaky.

"Y-y-yeah, heh-heh... y-you're right..."

Mavis paused, intrigued by his reaction, and looked at him with a slightly furrowed brow. "Johnny? Is everything all right?"

Johnny quickly put his hands up. "Oh! Yeah, yeah, hon, don't worry about me! I just have a really good question and I wanna make sure I ask it right," he explained.

Mavis smiled. "Ask away," she encouraged.

"Okay," he said, clearing his throat and clapping his hands together briefly before rubbing them. "Mavis, you are the coolest, most beautiful and most awesome person I've ever met in my life. I mean, you're kind, you're sweet, your dad runs an awesome hotel for monsters, and you're just so amazing overall!"

Mavis giggled, and tucked an imaginary strand of hair behind her ear. "Sounds more like a compliment than a question, Johnny."

"Oh, don't worry, we're getting there," he assured with a grin. Then, all of a sudden that same air of nervousness seized him again and he cleared his throat. "Mavis, I guess what I'm trying to lead up to... what I'm trying to ask is if..." he paused for dramatic effect, and Mavis looked at him expectantly. He got down to one knee and produced a little box from his trunk pockets and then, gazing up at her lovingly, continued.

"... if you'd marry me."

He opened up the little box, and showed Mavis what was inside. It was a simple banded ring, gold in color and with a little blue diamond adorning the top that sparkled beautifully. Mavis gasped, clasping her hands and putting them over her heart.

"Johnny..." she breathed, already feeling tears pooling within her eyes. Could it be that this man - this wonderful, kind, and funny man whom she had fallen head over heels for - was actually asking this of her? To become his wife? Mavis smiled. How could she refuse? How could anyone possibly say no to such an adorable face, a kind heart and a caring soul? No one would ever dare.

"Mavis?" Johnny asked quietly, glancing up hopefully at her.

She nodded, feeling a lone tear slip down her cheek. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, of course I'll marry you!" The vampiress leaped at him, hoisting him up and hugging him tightly. Johnny responded happily, wrapping his arms around her.

"All RIIIGHHHT!!!" he shouted, taking her and spinning around a few times, laughing. Once he set her down, he put on the ring and slid it onto her finger. She marveled at it reverently, staring down at the little piece of jewelry and ogling at its perfection.

"It's perfect," she whispered, placing both hands against her heart and looking up into his eyes.

Johnny chuckled. "Not as perfect as you, babe."

Mavis blushed, and leaned in to accept his lips in a sweet, gentle kiss.

Johnny hummed contently as they pulled apart and he held her close. "I am going to love calling you my wife," he said. Then, he considered the thought and added, "it's gonna be a little weird too, though."

Mavis giggled. "Eh, you'll get used to it," she assured. "It's Dad who's going to have to get used to hearing it."

Johnny's eyes widened at the mention of Dracula. "Oh my goodness... Drac! What are we gonna even tell him?"

"We Zinged, Johnny," Mavis reasoned. "I'm sure he knew it would happen eventually."

"Yeah! But still! He's gonna freak when he hears that a human wants to marry his vampire daughter." Johnny put his hands up to his hair in worry, but Mavis patted a hand on his shoulder.

"Honey, you're not just any human. You're Johnny. My dad knows that you're a good person, and he'll be overjoyed when he hears the news. Trust me." She smiled reassuringly.

That seemed to ease Johnny somewhat, and he took a deep breath. "You're right," he admitted, giving her another kiss. "I'm sorry about freaking out myself right now."

Mavis laughed. "Don't worry, Johnny. Now come on," she said, taking his hand. "We can think about what to say to Dad while we enjoy the last week of our vacation!"

Johnny grinned back at her as they bounded straight for the water, the ocean breeze ruffling their clothes and whipping away their worries.

Soon, very soon - he thought - he would be married to the best woman on Earth, and would become the son-in-law of the best monster-resort owner in the world!

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