Chapter Eight; Restless Night

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Zayn's POV

I tried to contain the annoyance bubbling within me when every ten minutes, Justin was tossing and turning in the bed.

It had to be around three or four in the morning, and I was still quite tired.

Normally I wasn't such a light sleeper, but for some reason, every small movement Justin made, instantly caused my eyes to snap open - some of it was concern, and I was almost trying to make sure Justin was okay, but the other part of it was forgetting I had someone asleep beside me in my bed. I don't normally let anyone on my bed.

I could hear Justin sigh heavily, indicating he was actually awake while doing what he was doing.

"Cant sleep?" I grumbled, a bit grumpy in my tone.

"I dont feel well, is all." Justin sighed, "Sorry for waking you."

"Eh," I huffed, patting his shoulder sleepily.

Zeke suddenly began whimpering lightly before bursting out crying.

Justin got up quickly, walking over to him, "He needs a change." Justin mumbled.

"Diaper duty is yours." I cringed, pulling the blanket over my head.

"Okay, um, okay." Justin stuttered and I could hear him moving around.

I somehow managed to fall back asleep during the time Justin changed Zeke, leaving me some peace and quiet for a while.

The next time I woke up it was 10 am, and Justin was sitting at the edge of my bed, rubbing his eyes.

I sat up and stretched, "What time is Jason picking you up?"

"Soon, he said morning..." Justin yawned.

"Didn't sleep, did you?" I sighed and stood up from the bed, noticing Zeke laying down in the drawer, eyes wide open as his arms flew around cutely.

I smiled a bit, fixing my hair as I leant down to pick him up gently.

"I'm going to have Zeke for the night again, by ourselves." I decided.

"What? You can't, my mum will-"

"Justin, you and I are the parents, if your mother has an issue with that, she can feel free to rant to me about it." I pursed my lips, gently rubbing Zeke's chubby cheeks, earning a little yawn from him.

"But she'll be mad at me, and I live with her." Justin crossed his arms, frowning, "You dont even know how to change a nappy."

"I do know how to change a diaper, I dont like doing it but I know how." I rolled my eyes.


"If you're seriously this scared of how your mother will react, then move in with me, honestly." I snapped a little, growing annoyed with him and his excuses about his mother.

Justin looked down to his feet, remaining silent.

"Okay, you two better be dressed!" Knocks came from my door before it opened and Jason walked in with a grin, he looked half stoned with his glossy eyes.

Dylan came in behind him, "Zayn, oh how I missed you buddy." He grinned and hugged my side.

"Please tell me you didnt give him Mushrooms?" I groaned.

"No, only drug me and my boo will take together is weed. Dylan cant take anything other than weed with me." Jason said with a dominant tone, but broke out to another grin, pulling Dylan into a hug.

Dylan pulled away to lay on my bed, much to my dislike.

I wasn't a fan of people getting in my bed, I really hated it.

"We taking Zeke or nah?" Jason mumbled, ruffling Justin's hair.

"Nope, he's staying with me." I stated, daring Justin to say something, but he didnt.

Jason smiled, "Okay, picking him up tomorrow then... Come on Justin, gotta get ya home."

Justin nodded, walking over and shyly giving Zeke's forehead a kiss goodbye.

"You coming back with us, Dylan?" Jason smiled at Dylan, which resulted in Dylan getting up excitedly, nodding his head.

I watched the three of them leave, smirking when I noticed Justin leave with my clothes still on, while his were on the floor of my room still.

Justin's POV

"Is she mad?" I asked, getting in the back of Justin's car.

Dylan hopped in the passanger seat while Justin of course got in the drivers seat.

"A little," Justin shrugged and reversed the car, before driving down the road..He held Dylan's hand in the process of that, occassionally letting go to change gears.

I sighed, slumping in my seat. I was tired and in no mood to argue with my mother, but since the tables have turned, she's going to absolutely murder me.

Soon enough we were home, Dylan and Jason practically ran to Jason's room, leaving me to close the front door they left wide open.

I pursed my lips as I heard the clicking of my mother's shoes hit the floor, effortlessly power walking towards me.

"You're in trouble, do you understand?" Mum began, and I turned to look up at her sheepishly, "Where's Zeke?" she asked, furrowing her brows.

"With..." I looked down as my voice faltered, "With Zayn."

"Who?" Mum asked, confused, "The guy that lives with Dylan?"

I blushed, "Yes."

"What? Why?" mum pressed, crossing her arms.

"He's Zeke's Dad..." I admitted softly.

"What!?" Mum bursted in a fit of rage, "He's almost a good five years older than you!" she snapped.

I flinched at her tone. Nothing is more scary than your mother in a fit of rage.

"He's eighteen-" I began, but she cut me off.

"And you're fourteen! Do you realize that is classified as rape in this country!?" She glared down at me, "Go up to your room, clean yourself up, because I'm taking you to the police station!"

"Why!?" I widened my eyes in shock, looking up at her.

"Because I'm having that boy charged!" Mum spat.

"He didn't do anything wrong!" I stated, my eyes filling with fearful tears.

She couldn't do that to Zayn... He could go to jail!

"You are still my son, and you are still under my care. You do as I say." She spoke firmly, pressing her tight red lips together.

I felt the tears start to pool out of my eyes as I darted passed her, running to my room as I began sobbing.

Why does she have to be so cruel?

Author's Note; turns out this whole chapter had been pre-written and been sitting in my drafts for like a month... So... Oops.

But enjoy!

Vote, review, fan!

PS if any of you ship Muke(Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings) Pleaaassseee do me a favour and check out my first Muke story 'Everybody Laughs' haha

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