Some switch up

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That next Saturday morning I found myself back at that book shop. I mean it was harmless considering I was only there to pick out a book but I also knew that Madelyn worked here and that my chances of seeing her was at 98%.

When I walked into the shop it was quiet as I assumed it would be. At the front desk was a different lady and she looked like one of those girls I seen at the club the other day.

"Hello, welcome to Book and Snack, how may I help you?" She asked with an irritated look on her face as she smacked with her gum.

"I'm here to purchase another book, I would like to know if you can direct me in the way towards the baby books aisle." I said before I leaned into the counter and intertwined my fingers together.

Her irritation seem to disappear from her face with a smile replacing it as she chewed her gum more slower. It was as if I had got her attention and I was definitely loving that for me. Seeking attention wasn't my thing but when I had it...I loved it.

"What type of baby books? Like baby books to read to your child or baby books for upcoming parents? We have both those and even fictional books about upcoming parents if you're interested." She says as she now leaned over the counter meeting me half way.

A small tint of red flushed on my cheeks as I looked away from her before nibbling at my bottom lip. I then turned back towards her as she seemed to lean more closer than she was before. It was like she was getting ready to lean in for a kiss but was hesitant. If I was her I would be hesitant too, I mean, we're literally strangers to each other.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" She asked in a low tone as she raised her hand to play with buttons of my blouse. I looked down at her fingers before looking back up at her and smiling. "If you want, there's a bathroom right in the corner of–"

She was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. She looked behind me before pushing herself back and straightening up her body posture.

"You're supposed to be working, Alison. Not trying to have sexual intercourse with the costumers." Madelyn says as I turned around to greet her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes, "Get lost, Spinner." She gritted through her teeth before proceeding to walk past Alison and I.

I sent Alison a small smile before following after Madelyn. I knew that she knew I was following her considering I knew where we were heading. Once we got behind the book shelves like we did before, she turned around and punched me in my arm.

"Ow!" I said,

"You're an idiot. You come here trying to get with me and now you come here trying to fuck my coworkers? What's next? You're going to fuck my boss and get me fired?" She asked, angrily.

Maybe I should have felt bad for causing stress to her or maybe I should have felt bad for even causing disruption in her work place but I couldn't help but to just feel at ease.

"I don't know if you understand the meaning of no but you need it through your fucking skull that whatever game you're're losing to your fucking self! I mean come on, your a big girl, you should know that you're being insane–"

"You're beautiful." I muttered as I searched her eyes.

She groaned before pinching the bridge of her nose, "Are you even listening! I said you're insane and I want nothing to do with you! Me being married and pregnant should be a clear sign that I don't and will never like you in that way–"

I nibbled at my bottom lip, as I tried to listen to her words but something in my mind couldn't just put a finger in the beauty of this woman.

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