Chapter 1: Encounter

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It was yet another night. As per usual, you planned to sneak out to go sit by the lakeside. It was the only form of outside time you could get anymore. Tonight was cool and breezy. It was around 2AM when you decided to put on a coat and begin climbing down your balcony, slowly and carefully.
After landing in the grass, you began your stroll toward the part of the lake that was on your family's property. You tried to appreciate and savor every moment you got outside your house, for it never lasted long. As soon as you saw the sun peak past the horizon, you'd have to return fast.
You reached the field, which was filled with dandelions that had not been there previously. The wind blew the white fuzzies around the night sky. The moon was particularly bright tonight, you noticed.

The closer you got to the lake, the more uneasy you began to feel. Usually, you'd always feel some form of anxiety doing this. After all, sneaking out when you're hated and wanted is a dangerous thing. However, this paranoia was more specific, and it felt like someone was staring a hole through the back of your head. As you kept heading toward the lake, you would quickly look behind you every so often, just in case.
Since nothing appeared out of the ordinary, you started skipping stones as usual. You stared at the ripples in the water after each throw, noticing how it changed the way the stars looked in its reflection. Almost like Prism, you thought to yourself. At one moment, you thought you could see a figure standing next to you in the reflection of the lake. You jolted and quickly looked over, but there was no one. Startled, you summoned Prism and cloaked yourself by bending the surrounding light. You looked around frantically, wondering if what you just saw was a delusion.
Soon, you see the shape of a man standing under the shadow of a tree, with only his left leg visible. He was staring intently, not just in your direction, but right at you. You couldn't help but feel like he knew you were there. This standoff only lasted around a minute or so before the stranger spoke.

"That's a nice trick, but shouldn't you also hide your stand from me if you're trying to hide?" His voice was laced with bad intentions, but at the same time it sounded so smooth.

You lowered your guard and withdrew Prism out of pure shock. From the looks of it and by his voice, you could definitely tell this was no one from your family. Until now, only they could see Prism, and only you could see their stands.
"You could see my Prism?" You asked curiously. The man stared at your figure for a moment, before responding. "Of course, (Y/n). I've heard your story. I couldn't help but feel intrigued." He stepped out of the shadows to reveal himself. Blonde hair just past his shoulder, with crimson eyes, and extremely muscular. Oh, he was your type alright. You felt chills run down your spine as he continued to come closer.
"You're approaching me?" You asked. "You say you know who I am and what I've done, so why have you sought me out? To kill me? Who even are you?!" There was a small smirk planted on his face, as he stopped in his tracks and put his hand on his hip. "I'm Dio. (Y/n), I've come to witness your power for myself—though I didn't expect someone as cute and delicate as you to be the source of such an evil rumor." Feeling unsure of whether you could trust him, you summoned Prism again as a warning. "I don't want company. You think I'm delicate? I'm not even supposed to be here, so please leave me alone before I hurt you!" You threatened. In the blink of an eye, Dio was gone. Suddenly, you could hear a light chuckle come from behind you and felt a hand placed on your shoulder. "You're nothing I can't handle, my dear." Dio whispered into your ear, creepily.
You were frozen in fear, trembling nervously. Before, you hadn't noticed just how large he was. Up close, he was even more buff-looking, and your head wasn't even level with his shoulders. Sensing your uneasiness, Dio removed his hand from your shoulder. "There's no need to be scared. I can help you." He sat in the spot you had been in, one leg hanging off the rocks while the other was bent at the knee. You turned to see what he was up to, and noticed him skip a rock just like you were doing. Still skeptical but also curious, you sat next to him, maintaining your personal bubble.
     "I'm sorry it's just... I've never met anyone outside home who also has a stand. I didn't even know it was possible." Your knees were bent against your chest, just covering your mouth. You muffled the last part of your sentence, hoping Dio wouldn't recognize your ignorance. "Of course you don't. What a pitiful, secluded little town. It doesn't surprise me that you know nothing about the real world." You looked down and away as he told you this. It almost felt like you were being lectured. "Tell me, what is it like to live here?" He asked.
     "It's awful." You responded without second thought. "I can't show my face in public, or else I could be ridiculed and imprisoned, all because of an accident. Everyone knows me, they should understand, but they don't! No one will listen to me and no one believes me!" At this point, you were practically ranting, and to someone you just met at that. The truth is, you needed to get it all out. If someone could bring prosperity back to your life, your only hope was Dio. Through your venting, your exaggeration and anger, he listened to every word you said as you told your side of the story.
     "I understand you, (Y/n)." Dio leaned in closer to you, making eye contact and putting his hand over yours. "You were like me once a very long time ago, though I hope you know everyone was right when they told you what happened was no accident." You shook your head and stood up. "But it was! I would never kill a person on purpose, it's wrong." Dio stood up after you, looking down on you with a cold expression. "If you would never kill someone, you wouldn't have this power in the first place." He walked behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders and leaning down close to your ear so that he could talk quietly.
     "They hate you because they're afraid of you, and they're afraid because you're better than them." At this point, it's like he was trying to be a creep. You had to admit, he was attractive but that didn't exactly make you feel a hundred percent comfortable. "How am I better than them? They go through their lives every day, not killing anybody. I'm so reckless that I mistakenly murdered dozens, and destroyed the lives of their families." Midway through, you began sobbing. Tears rolled down your cheeks, but that seemed to be of little concern to Dio. You felt one of his hands move to your waist as he pulled you a bit closer. His chin was almost resting on the shoulder he let go of.
    "You're better because you're stronger. Why else would they continue to beat you while you're down?" Your sobs continued as he let go of you, turning his back and taking a few steps. "Of everyone in the world, you think you're the only person who knows what you're going through? Ha. You could bend everyone you know to your will but you won't." You stifled your cries, sniffling as you wiped the tears away with your sleeve. "It's you who makes you weak, darling. But I can change that."
     Dio extended his hand out toward you. "I can take you to see more of this world. You just have to trust me." He smiled at you, very cunningly. It's like he knew you had no other choice or hope. You stared at him, a multitude of emotions going through your brain. You were embarrassed to be crying in front of a stranger you were oddly attracted to, but you also feared him and weren't sure if you could trust him. He was making you question your own reality, and you were falling for it. You gently placed your hand in his, and he gave you a pleased look.

"I accept your offer, Dio."

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