"We...Almost Lost You, Mikey...Twice..."

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For DisneyWorksFan!

Takes place after the episodes When Worlds Collide Part 1 and 2!

This will be both sad and fluffy-

I came up with the song!

*yeets tissues*


The lair was quiet and dimly lit. Except for one room: Mikey's room. The masked terrapins were in there, discussing the days events.

So much had happened, and the brothers were trying to de-stress and recover from it all. A rogue Salamandrian had entered Earth, and so did Mona Lisa and Sal Commander, in an attempt to stop him.

The lizard villian was cruel and harsh, going after Utroms and causing destruction. The turtles and April had joined Mona Lisa, Bishop, and Sal Commander in stopping the Newtralizer.

Things became tragic, however, when Newtralizer disintegrated Mikey. Everyone, at first, was devastated. Especially Leo, Raph, and Donnie, who watched their little brother die right in front of them.

Things got worse when Lord Dregg showed up teamed up with the Newtralizer, leading to Vreen insects taking over city.

Miraculously, Mikey survived his electrocution and gained electric powers. He even saved the lives of his brothers, April, Sal Commander, Mona Lisa, and Bishop from an explosion on Dregg's ship.

He'd done this by using his new electric powers to delay the explosion so everyone could escape the ship in one peice.

Once again, everyone was shattered because they'd lost Mikey...this time, for good. Until, the youngest something arrived from the wreckage, safe and sound.

The turtles couldn't have been more relieved.

But, this has taken a toll on the four of them.

"Rough day, huh guys?" Leo broke the silence, looking at his bros. "Yeah..." Raph replied tiredly. "Agreed." Donnie nodded. Mikey just nodded, not trusting his voice to not break.

They had been playing video games in Mikey's room to lighten the mood a bit. But, the four of them couldn't stop thinking about Mikey's two near death experiences.

"Come on, guys! Let's play another round!" Mikey cheered, trying to be his usual happy-go-lucky self. Leo, Raph, and Donnie grabbed their controllers. Together, they played a new video game.

While they played, they talked. "Mikey?" Leo spoke up. "Yeah?" Mikey absently replied, focused on the game. "Why'd you stay on the ship...?" Leo asked.

Mikey froze at that. They knew he'd stayed behind even though the ship was going to explode, but didn't know why. They hadn't sent what happened.

"I didn't want everyone to die...so I used my powers to stop the ship from exploding too soon..." He admitted. They all froze in shock.

Everyone had left the ship so fast that they didn't realize Mikey never followed them. "Mikey...you saved everyone's lives..." Raph realized.

Mikey smiled a bit. "Yeah...it was nothing!" He was hugged by his brothers. "Thank you/thanks Mikey..." They said as Mikey hugged back. "I couldn't let everyone die..." He whispered 

"Mikey, you really saved our shells...again." Raph smiled a bit, giving Mikey a playful noogie. "Yeah you're one cool turtle." Leo added.

"You were amazing, otouto." Donnie hugged Muertos. Mikey giggled happily at the praise. "Like a turtle do!" The four of them then went back to the game.

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