Worlds Upon Worlds, Wars Upon Wars

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I was tired. I was bleeding out and ready to give up. All that was left was the stupid power hungry rabbit goddess, me, and the nine tailed demon fox Kurama, who was currently standing above me, pressing his paw gently into my stomach to try and stop the bleeding. "Don't die on me, you hear? I haven't finished preparing yet!"

I didn't even know why I was still alive. I was the daughter of a missing nin that couldn't even live up to his name, and while I could hold my own in a fight normally, there was no reason or explanation as to how I had survived all this time. I was not an extraordinary ninja, no, but someone must have a plan for me, so I grit my teeth and tried to bear it, tried to stay alive for just a few moments longer. 

"You still haven't  told me what you're doing Kurama." I groaned, trying not to move too much.

I heard him sigh, and his body finally relaxed a little bit. "Listen closely (Y/n), cause you are our last chance out of here. I just finished making a seal that will simultaneously seal me inside of you and launch you into an alternate universe. Once we are there, it will be easier for us to survive, but you still need to survive. You will still retain your injuries and will need to seek help, do I make myself clear?" He growled out the last few words, but I nodded my head, trying to stay awake even as the edges of my vision began to darken. "Good." Kurama muttered, then slammed his paw to the ground, activating the seal.

Everything was engulfed in bright light, and I felt a new power surge through me. "Huh, did you know your chakra smells like sea salt squirt?" I heard Kurama's voice in my head and I chuckled.

"No, I didn't. Good to know." I felt as if I were floating now, and the feeling continued for quite a while. After a few more moments, I heard Kurama's voice in my head again.

"Listen squirt, this seal took a lot of my chakra, so I'm going to have to sleep for a bit, just try to keep us alive, alright?"

"Alright." The floating  feeling suddenly stopped, and while the light was still there, causing me to be unable to see, I could smell iron and hear a voice saying, "Sir, it appears we have a visitor that needs your attention."

the light finally faded, and I could see a man in front of me, trying to get my attention. I groaned and tried to sit up, to which the man seemed against.

"Alright, good to know you're alive, don't try to sit up just yet, you're bleeding a lot. FRIDAY, is there a way we can get her on a table?" he grabbed my shoulder and the base of my neck, easing me back onto the floor.

"Of course sir, just a moment." I was thrown off guard as the ground started moving below me, causing me to tense up, which the man noticed.

"Hey, you're okay, you're okay. We're just moving you to a better spot." the man explained as he walked next to me. "Hey, my names Tony, can you tell me your name?" I took a deep breath, trying to speak despite my burning throat.

"My name is (Y/n). can you tell me where I am?" Even those few words were enough to send me into a coughing fit. Tony's face flinched, his hand tightening on my shoulder. 

"You're at the avengers tower, and we are going to get you healed up." He said as we finally entered into a hospital room, the sterile scent taking over my senses. I was deposited onto a boxy bed, where glass started to surround me. All I could do was grin and chuckle.

"Good. Kurama will be pleased that I didn't get us killed..." I could see questions on Tony's face, but then the darkness overtook and I passed out. When I opened my eyes again, I knew I was still asleep, but I was in an interesting place. It was a small island surrounded by water, with Kurama sleeping in the middle of it. I took a deep breath and walked towards him, knowing he wasn't going to be waking up for a while, so I just sat down next to him and leaned into his muzzle, waiting to wake up.

It felt like an eternity of nothing, just waiting, until finally I could hear voices. I listened closely and tried to use them to pull me out of unconsciousness, and after a minute,   it worked. I was pulled off the island, and when I knew I was awake, I tried not to bring too much attention to myself. I cracked my eyes open just enough to see what was going on, and listened as the two voices argued.

One of them was Tony, who seemed frustrated and upset, distressed while the other man, who I found to be called Steve after a moment, just seemed angry and unrelenting. I listened for another moment, but then Steve made a threatening move towards Tony, and out of instinct, I leaped into action.

I didn't have any weapons on me, so I just used what I could. I slammed my full body weight into him, and luckily had the element of surprise, so I was able to knock him to the ground easily. I then pinned his arms to the ground with my knees and pressed my forearm into his neck, putting I bit of weight to it, not enough to suffocate him, but enough to make sure he couldn't move. I then looked back to Tony, who seemed pretty shocked. 

"Are you alright Tony?" I asked as Steve started to struggle beneath me. Tony nodded, looking between me and Steve. "Yeah kid, I'm okay. I think you can get off him now." I turned back to Steve, and growled, bearing my teeth, then got off him, watching him as he left, rubbing his neck.

"I'm glad you're awake kid, but I have some questions to ask you." I heard Tony say, so I turn back to him. He motioned for me to sit down on a bed, and I complied. Tony sighed then started pacing. "Okay, first things first. Where did you come from?"

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