- 1 first meet

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- present day -

"daddy, why do me and dad have the same names?" Jeongin's 3 years old son, hyunjin asked.

"It's because you're named after him" jeongin bent down to his level and squeezed his dumplings like cheeks.

"Really? Is dad a nice guy?" His son asked making jeongin stunned by his question. He sighed before answering.

"There is no such thing as good guy, honey, everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect"

"And did you know that dad wants to reach the stars?" Jeongin continued.

"Today is the day he became one of the stars..."

- past / back to jeongin's first day of school -

"Hey, is that the new boy?" Here we go again, new school, new rumours. 'can they at least leave me for once?' jeongin thought as he was walking in the hallway.

Well, being the only child of the CEO of a car company, which is very popular, them leaving him alone is impossible. What does he even expect?  He's their only heir of the company his dad works hard for.

Jeongin is on his last year, 'thank god it's my last year, to be honest, i don't even learn anything from school'

Jeongin is on his way on finding his classroom. It was giving jeongin a hard time because this school was freaking huge, and anyone could get lost easily. 'i don't even know why my dad transferred me here. My life in London is better. Why do i have to study in korea?'

Jeongin was complaining about it all in his head. Of course he was greatful for his parents but still, he had never said he wanted to study in Korea.

"Whatever it's my last year anyways, i can survive this shit" jeongin mumbled, rolling his eyes.

Ms.Choi "Mr.yang, you're late" jeongin entered the classroom only to be embarrassed.

'Geez, i had a hard time looking for my classroom'

Everyone in the classroom looked at jeongin and laughed.

'what's so funny about this?'

"I apologize, i had a hard time finding my classroom"  jeongin apologize and bowed to the teacher.

'of course, it's my fault'

'i swear to god, i have a bad feeling about this school. It feels like i don't belong here'

Ms.Choi "it's alright, I'm excusing you because it's your first day alright? Rules are rules so you must not break it next time. Go sit beside hyunjin" she pointed at the student who's not even looking at him.

Jeongin thanked the teacher as he sat besides that hyunjin guy that the teacher talked about, while jeongin sat he saw him writing something.

Jeongin analyzed his features.
'he's totally not my type, but i got to say that he's handsome'  His eyes, his eyebrow, his cheeks, his red plumpy lips. 'gosh...this guy is prettier so pretty'

"H-hi! I'm yang jeongin, i heard you're hyunjin" jeongjn started or tried to start a conversation with him.

Jeongin gasped as the guy beside him just ignored him.

'did he just ignore me? He didn't even look at me'

"What are you doing?" Jeongin tried to open up a conversation again and guess what? He got ignored again.

Jeongin just pouted and took out his books from his bag. Jeongin has never been ignored and people were always very friendly with him so he was kinda upset that this guy was ignoring him.

As he look at the guy again, jeongin realized that his dark eyes were staring at him.

'what? What's wrong? Did i make him mad?'

"We're having a quiz" he slid a paper using his index finger towards jeongin's direction.


jeongin looked at the paper hyunjin gave him and saw that he had answered the numbers that jeongin missed because he was late.

'is he kidding me?!'

"Thank you, hyunjin....hyung?" Jeongin thanked him, but his eyes never left jeongin's making him look down on his paper.

'this is awkward, or am i the only one who's thinking about that? Stupid me'


Before starting this book let me make some things clear

-For this book I'm not gonna use vast English cause i wanna make it a simple book and y'all( who are not native English speaker ) can feel easy to understand.
-There are gonna be short chapters as I've said before. (Sorry again)
-This book will contain male pregnancy!¡ , Bxb, swearing, character death etc so if y'all are uncomfortable with any of those, feel free to leave this book:)
-Any hate comments towards the idols will deleted as soon as possible.
-Please respect each other and the idols in the comments.

Thank you sm for whoever supported my last book 'stay alive'. If y'all like this book make sure to vote^^

Thank you and enjoy reading!

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