- 8 watching the stars

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- jeongin's pov -

Just like how we planned before, we watched the stars

"That star is pretty, isn't it?" I pointed at a star, it was bigger than the other stars and more shiny too.

"The star beside me is prettier" oh, there's a star beside him?

I looked around, but it's only the two of us.  He must've noticed my confused expression, making him smirked

"It's you, innie" Me!? He's talking about me? I'm so dumb

I sighed and turned my graze back to the stars

Suddenly i felt a wave of sadness talking over me, remembering the moments of my with my mom. Her beautiful smile... I miss it so much.

I could feel my heart breaking, I'm staring at the stars, mom... are you there? Can you see me? I'm staring at the stars who witnessed your death with the boy i like beside me.

I didn't even notice when i started crying. "M-mom" i could feel hyunjin's arms wrap around my body, embracing me.

Mom, why did you have to leave us like that? Didn't you love us anymore? Didn't you love me? I'm your only baby... I'm your innie

"Shh...i can't say it's fine because it's really not fine, but everything will be alright, everything will be okay, you have me"

I Told The Stars About You | Hyunin Where stories live. Discover now