HH - 5

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"Is everyone here already?" Minju got everyone's attention with her loud voice. They're about to leave any moment. Things have been packed.

"Not yet Manager Kim! Ms. Ahn and Mr. Yang is still not here!" Jaeyi replied, making everyone turn their heads to find two figures right in time.

"We're here!" They gradually caught up while catching their breaths.

If only I have my babies with me.. Yujin thought. Oh she meant her dashing sportscar and motorbikes. She misses them real bad.

She greeted them one by one with a small smile on her face, quite embarrassed that she was late. You can say she pretty much overslept because she was too excited for this trip and also the fact that she struggled in packing her things. Okay, typical her who loves to overpack. She struggled with that.

Everyone went to their designated seats in the van. Two vans for their team, it's their choice where they sit.

"Yujin-ssi come with us!" And before Yujin could deny, Eunyoung and Jaeyi already pulled her inside the first van. She wanted to sit where their team Manager is though. She greeted her first of course! Only to receive a frown, well Yujin clearly knows why. Minju hates late people. She'll apologize later on.

Minju was just there, observing her whole team. "Then I'll also go where Ms. Ahn is--" The guy was cut off by a woman who stood by the door. She pointed the car behind and gave him an intent look.

"Mr. Yang, you ride the other one." That was the last thing Minju said before going inside and closing the door. Oh she didn't just close it, she slammed it.


Yujin sat beside Jaeyi while Eunyoung sat at the sit infront. Coincidentally, her eyes met with the woman who just entered the van. Minju looked away though.

Okay, I really have to apologize.

Minju looked around and found no empty seats aside from the back, the rest of her team went to the second van too since it was bigger.

Of course Yujin being Yujin, she would want their Manager's companion over anyone. Besides, she doesn't want her to be alone and loves being with her. Even if it means just sitting together.

She slowly tapped the shoulder of the person in front of her. "Unnie, you can sit here. I'll just sit in the back." She whispered before smiling.

"Huh?" She gave her a pleading look, "Ohh okay!" Eunyoung was confused at first but she understood the moment Yujin stood up and went to the back seat.

"Hi." She said and received an eyebrow raise.

Typical reaction of Minju towards her.

"I'm sorry." Yujin said in an instant.

Minju crossed her arms and faced in front. "For?"

"For being late, I know you hate people being late and I-"

"Glad you know."

"So.. why were you late?" The girl looked at her now with those intimidating eyes. She was kind of scared with the look the girl gave but it's Minju anyway.

"I kind of.. overslept." Quite embarrassing to say.

"You overslept and not because you were with someone named Yang Haejun?" Now both of her eyebrows were raised. Yujin found it cute yet others might be shaking with how Minju was looking and that tone of hers. Minju really loves raising her eyebrows towards her the most.

"No ma'am, why would I be with him? He was running so I ran ahead since I'm faster. I guess he was competitive enough to run with me." Yujin answered honestly. He was pretty slow despite his height and Yujin being athletic and stuff got ahead of him right away. It somehow looked like they came together.

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