Death is near

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When Mori finally mustered the courage to go back into the infirmary after walking one whole circle around the mafia building.

He exhaled out and pushed open the door slowly, only to see the brunette on the infirmary bed. The raven haired raised a brow as he approached the other. Only after noticing the shut eyes and slowed down breathing did the other know the brunette was sleeping.

Mori glanced around the infirmary to check of there was any ginger. Seeing none, he sat on the chair which was next to his working desk. As a doctor himself, he knew many diseases and infections which killed man kind. However, never in his life did he see some kidney of changed universes.

Well, seemed like in the other universe, he was dead. He predicted Dazai took over the mafia. He wasn't sad or upset about it, he was rather happy and proud, knowing how powerful the mafia must be if Dazai was the boss.


Speak of the devil...

"Boss, we've found some new information regarding the incident."

The brunette swerved to face his subordinate, his eyes piercing through the other's soul.

The subordinate gulped down hard as he continued, his voice slightly shaky.

"We suspected that it was an ability, therefore, living no evidence in the scene and the red spider lily is starting to wilt.

Dazai nodded as he thanked the other and gestured him out of the office.

Chuuya had started moving around the mafia building since he's feeling better.

A sigh came from Dazai as his hands dropped to grasp the edge of his desk. He was getting no where.

He stood up and decided to check on the ginger instead.

He had a slight idea on what is happening.


Ringing woke the brunette up as Dazai sat up rather quickly. He looked at the clock hanging on the wall. He rubbed his eyes wearily. Today was a rather rare day. He got to sleep 3 hours. It wasn't much but it was good enough for the other.

He quickly picked up the phone, upon seeing the bumper, he sighed.

"Dazai, you took quite a while to pick up."

"It's because of you."

A chuckled from the other.

"Anyway, I found out the information you needed."

"Shoot." The brunette yawned softly.

"I suspect that someone's ability or technology changed the two Chuuyas to different universes and..." The other stopped.

The brunette felt his heart drop.

"Don't tell me.."

"Yes, Chuuya is slowly dying. If I may ask, how is the spider lily?"

Dazai looked at the red spider lily which was in a vase of water, accompanied with other flowers.

"A tepal fell off. Other than that, it's fine."

"You better hurry and find a way to bring your Chuuya back to this world. Once the red spider lily completely wilts, Chuuya's dead."

Dazai's eyes widened as he stayed silent. The phone dropped from his hand to the bed.

Dazai could still hear a faint voice from the other line.

"I wish all the best." Fyodor hung up.

The brunette hastily stood up wobbly and scrutinised the red spider lily.

There were only four tepal left. He had to hurry. Dazai wasn't the type to cherish or even look at flowers. So, he had no idea what flowers had what meaning, so on so forth.

He only knew red spider lily meant death. He needed more information. However, he had no friends who was a flower expert.

Dazai took his coat and quickly wore it on, walking out of the infirmary while adjusting his collar once again.


Walking into the ship, the brunette put up a smile when a grey haired man came up to him.

"Hello. Do you need any help finding the perfect flowers for your loved one?"

Dazai shook his head, "I'll look around."

The other nodded enthusiastically before going back to arranging a bouquet of flowers.

The brunette opted to go to a florist to ask more about the red spider lily. He wasn't surprised if the shop didn't sell it since it was rather rare in Yokohama.

However, upon glancing through the variety of flowers, all of different colours, he saw a bouquet of red spider lilies.

Dazai raised his brow suspiciously. Was it fake? Hsi answer was quickly answered by the grey haired male, a florist.

"You want to buy a red spider lily? That's rare. I hardly have any customers who want that."

"Do you know what it means?" The brunette asked as he pointed at the flower, smiling.

"Red spider lily also known as corpse   flower symbolises death, bad luck and..."

The other stepped closer to the brunette. Dazai raised a brow and wanted to step backwards but was stopped with the shorter's hand grabbing his wrist.

Something was wrong. This man was just...wrong. The brunette let out a awkward chuckle and  tried pulling his hand away. However, instead of letting go, the grey haired man pulled him forward instead.

"It also means...last goodbyes."

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