A Muggle Phone (j.o)

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- A Hogwarts au wherein you as a half-blood witch, show Jenna who's pure-blood, a phone for the first time

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- A Hogwarts au wherein you as a half-blood witch, show Jenna who's pure-blood, a phone for the first time.


3rd person POV

Being a Gryffindor and your girlfriend being a Slytherin, was definitely an interesting concept for the others to talk about. Not to mention you're a quote unquote mudblood, and Jenna, your lovely girlfriend, was a pure-blood.

Getting through your 1st year was difficult, not when Draco and his gang were constantly harassing you with derogatory terms, and racist was the only word you can describe Malfoy.

Jenna was ironically also a Malfoy, I mean not technically. The Ortega's were the same descendants to the family, and you tried hard not to assume the brunette had the same personality as your bully, but it wasn't easy since she was a Slytherin and is related to him.

Surprisingly Jenna wasn't like him at all, and the stereotype you had built up for the green house was slowly disappearing, because of her.

During your 2nd to 3rd year, it was still the same. Draco continuously bothers you but nothing too much that pushes your buttons, but there are some times where you wished you could just Stupefy his ass.

But determined to make a name in the Magic world, you studied harder. Learning all the new spells you could learn, brewing potions, learning new tips and tricks from your seniors during combat. And slowly, all your hard work paid off as at the end of your 3rd year, Dumbledore has given you the title of 'Gryffindor's Witch'

Each house has two representatives, one for leading the fellow housemates, and one for being the wisest, intelligent and talented student. You were Gryffindors, Emma was Hufflepuffs, Xavier was Ravenclaws and finally, Jenna was Slytherins.

The rest of the 3 were a year older than you, so you had massive respect and admiration for all of them, well maybe except for one.

Jenna was something different, she was mostly quiet and reserved, only talking when someone asked her a question or when she felt like she needed to talk. She was serious most of the time, but you could tell it wasn't intentional, it was just how she was. You often thought if the reason why some students get intimidated by her was because of her resting face, which you kinda see that happening.

4th year rolled around, and you found yourself having a bit of a crush on the Slytherin, during sparring practices she would teach you what you needed to know, and help you polish a spell you've been working on.

Jenna was also feeling something for you, she would tutor you in some of your classes, help you study, and even take you out sometimes.

You didn't want to overanalyze things, so even if you did have feelings for the girl, you only thought of your relationship as a typical junior to senior one.

Jenna was far from what the students claimed her to be, Jenna was actually nice and bubbly. Goofing around with you most of the time, she seemed like a normal person, not the 'Oh she's related to Malfoy', 'Oh she's sometimes a bitch' or 'Oh she's bloody ruthless in sparring'

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