Chapter 3.1: Through The Heaven's Stairs

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"Welcome to Garin Farm!" Aya offered a warm greeting

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"Welcome to Garin Farm!" Aya offered a warm greeting.

A grand entrance to the Garin Farm is marked by a towering white gate. In bold, verdant letters, the sign reads 'GARIN FARM', while the smaller, black letters beneath it indicate its location in San Joaquin, Iloilo, Philippines. At the pinnacle, one can observe a captivating depiction of a gentleman and his bovine companion, people soaring through the air via zipline, a duo gracefully rowing a vessel, and a symbol of the cross. Beneath it, you can find capitalized words pertaining to agriculture, leisure, and pilgrimage. A few individuals had already made their way through a narrow entrance. It's no surprise that the queue is lengthy. As I approach the gate, a sense of excitement washes over me.

"We should hunt for attractive guys," Aya suggested with a playful grin, which prompted a disapproving glare and a sharp slap to her arms from Maha.

"Ow! What was that for?" Aya asked, her voice filled with confusion. Aya winced as a sharp pain struck through her arm. She rubbed the affected area, hoping to ease the discomfort.

"We have come to spend some quality time with Kaylene and enjoy each other's company. Not flirting with boys," Maha declared firmly.

"Tsk. Like you don't want it to!"

Maha let out a sigh and rolled her eyes in annoyance. Aya clenched her teeth, ready to strike back against Maha's slap. However, I quickly stepped in between them, hoping to diffuse the situation. As I strolled down the street, my eyes caught sight of a quaint little shop. The store was adorned with colorful trinkets and souvenirs, and I couldn't resist the urge to take a closer look. Without hesitation, I beckoned my companions Maha and Aya to join me in this random excitement.

While I looked through the shop for souvenirs, my eyes settled on a magnet adorned with a striking image of the pilgrimage. No doubt, I knew it would be the perfect choice for Lola, a devoted religious person. Additionally, I selected a keychain with Mama Mary, certain that it would be a cherished item in her collection. As for Aya and the others, I made sure to choose something equally thoughtful and fitting.

Since I make my selection, my fingers instinctively find their way to the delicate bracelet gifted to me by Nori, and I play with it absentmindedly. The quick pace with which we have developed a close bond is genuinely heartwarming, considering that we only met yesterday.

"Hmm," she murmured, "Thinking of Nori, I see. " A smirk appeared on Maha's face. I contemplated my situation, realizing that I seemed unable to escape the presence of Maha. Each day, without fail, I found myself subjected to the relentless teasing of people about Nori.

The sudden appearance of Maha by my side left me in a state of surprise. I replied,"'No, I'm not,'". As I gazed upon the array of keychains before me, my eyes were drawn to the other side of the display. I couldn't help but wonder if there were better options for those closest to me. With renewed determination, I resumed my search for the perfect keychains for them.

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