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i wake up. "awake?" says the kidnapper. im in a dark room "no" i say "why don't YOU sleep!?" says the kidnapper "okay" "go to sleep." "sleeps" i say while holding my laugh "good,now dont wake up" "oh okay" i say almost lauging "DONT WAKE UP" the kidnapper screams "i wont okay, goes to sleep" jesus hes dumb i think "wait.... how are you saying this when youre asleep?" the kidnapper asks "certainly sleeping" i say now giggeling "certainly?!" the kidnapper screams "sleeps" "SLEEP." "snores" "what the hell-" the kidnapper says confused "whu? goes to sleep again" i say jokingly "you did this on purpose!!" the kidnapper now sounds angry. i cant hold my laugh anymore "hahahahahaha sorry" i say while laughing my ass off "i cant believe that you got ME, of all people, to lose my temper!" "youre just really bad at your job"I say while I shrug my shoulders "hey! im good at MY job! i kidnapped you didnt i!?" says the kidnapper "ehh i dont think so" "But, you're in my basement! You have to be, or else I'd be delusional, and I'm not delusional!" "no youre in my basement...."  "WHAT IS GOING  ON?!" he shouts confused " i kidnapped you" i say while grinning " NO I KIDNAPPED YOU!" he is really confused now "nope i tricked you hahahah" i say lauging "YOU FOOL! I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA SAY THAT, SO I FAKED FEYING UNKNOWING! I KNOW EVERYTHING!" he shouts panicking "jesus youre really stupid, you know that right?" i say "THAT'S IT! I'M GONNA KIDNAP YOU TO PROVE TO YOU THAT I AM THE ONE WHO KIDNAPS!" "yeah sure"i say rolling my eyes "WHY ARE YOU NOT WORRIED?!" he is still panicking "because youre the one tied to the chair buddy" i see that he realizes "WHAT?! HOW DID YOU-" "hahahhahahahha" "LET ME  GO!!!!" he is really panicking now "hmm let me think..... no" "PLEASE!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!!" he begs me 'god he is actually so hot....' i think "anything?" i ask shyly "ANYTHING!!!!!!!" "oh well in that case..... will you go out with me?" i ask, he sighs "sure" "yes!!" i say exidetly "well.... what now?" he says, i can see that his expression changed 'does he like me? oh my god no youre a guy he is a guy and straight' i think, i untie him "you kiss me" i say 'omg please say that he cant see me blush' he kisses me on the cheek "i- i guess i can live with that" he stutters  'aaahh hes stuttering omg that freaking adoreble' "on the mouth..." i say, im blushing so hard now that i swear im going to explode "OH. yeah that was my fault" he kisses me on the mouth "sorry about that" "oh- i- uh-" im speechless.  we look eachother in the eyes for a moment, he grabs me by the chin and hip sofly, he pulls me closer. i just stare in his beautiful brown eyes, he kisses me again and again, we keep kissing for a while, i run my hand through his hair softly. im just speechless "im sorry" he says "w- what?" i say "i mean you look kinda shocked" "yeah i just didn't really expected this... i love it tho" i say shyly "i love it too and i love you" he kisses me again "i hope one day we could grow a family in my basement" he says jokingly "or mine" i say with a smile. he blushes "heyy, you're a smooth one aren't you?" "hehe i love you" i say while kissing his cheek. he blushes even more "i- i love you" he kisses me again "babe?" i ask "darling?" he says. i blush "do you think we could be a couple?" he smiles. "ofcourse darling, anything with you" "aww i love you so much" i say, i feel a tear roll down my face, he comes closer to me and hugs me "i love you too" he whispers in my ear. i hold him tight "aww this is unexpected, we just tried to kidnap eachother and became a couple haha.... what am i going to tell my parents?" he asks me "oh yeah that part..." i say "I bet they'll be so happy for us! Now what should we do? Maybe we should sleep on this. I'm a little tired to be honest." he says "yeah me too..." i say "i only have one bed to....but that doenst really matter right?" "i- i- i mean yeah i guess" "well then, lets go to sleep! well deal with stuff tommorow alright?" he asks me "okay good night handsome" i kiss him on the cheek "good night dear" he kisses me on my lips, i kiss him back.

i will try as hard as i can to upload as much as i can!! and i hope you like it!!

love phoenix (yes the character!!)

also i will reveal the source of this story at the end!!

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