i come closer to him so that we could cuddle and i fall asleep in his arms. i feel him put a blanket over us. he falls asleep too. i wake up, how late is it? where am i? oh yeah that hot guys house, what was his name again? i dont even think he told me..  i look at the time. oh four am mabey i should sleep some more, i try to sleep but i just cant. i see the guy looking around and then he looks at me "morning" he yawns "how did you sleep?" i yawn too "good, you?" i ask "I slept really good, thank you. You looked really beautiful when you slept, did you know that..?" "hahah you also looked really cute" i say, he chuckles "youre the cutest tho" "no youre the cutest" "NO YOURE THE CUTEST" "sorry..." i say "No, it's okay. At least we agree that the other one is cute. That's something, right?" "yeah... so what about the parent stuff?"They're probably really worried about us right now.. I bet my family is really worried about me! We probably should tell them at some point..." "yeah....im  scared tho my parents dont really know about well everything" i say "I'm scared too, not to mention my family is really overprotective....but we can't keep them worried for forever, can we?" he asks me "Well no but i think my parents arent really worried about me" i start to tear up "Wait, what? Why do you say that? It's okay if your parents aren't always the nicest people, mine are like that too." he says while wiping my tears away "no they literally hate me" "What..? That's so terrible! Why would your own parents hate you?!" he says angrely "i dont know since i came out to them and even before that they just hated me" i say crying "Your parents are idiots! I can't believe that your own mother and father could hate their own beautiful daughter! Please, don't let them get under your skin. If they can't accept you for who you are, they don't deserve to be called parents." "HOLD ON DAUGHTER?!??!?" "OH GOD, IM SO SORRY, YOURE A BOY?!" he shouts. god im so stupid i really need to cut my hair "yes... sorry if you dont want that..." i say a bit scared because i dont want him to leave me "i- i- wasn't expecting that! but, that doesnt matter. i love you whatever gender you are" i give a sigh of relieve "I love you, that's all that matters. You could identify as a tree and I would still love you just the same!" he continues "pffahahha i love you" i say, he kisses me "i love you too what im glad about cuzz youre amazing" he says with a big smile, i smile back at him. we continue smiling at eachother for a while "so.. do you have plans for today?" i ask "Not really. I guess I could call my family and say that I'm okay. They're probably really worried about me since I never came home after school. What will you do?" he asks "oh yeah... i dont know" "mabey.. you could spend the day here, unless youre parents expect you to come home" he says "no im not expected to come home, i was gone for  a week and they didn't even realize it" i say feeling a little sad about it, whatever if they dont care about you theyre stupid anyways "wait really?! AND they hate you?" he asks seriously  "yeah..." i say with a trembeling voice "Well, if your own parents don't worry about you when you're gone for a week, that tells you that they probably don't deserve your attention, nor do they deserve you." he says "youre so sweet my love" i say calmer. he kisses my head "so how about we spend the day here toghether then?" he asks me "yeah!" "Then what should we do? Maybe watch a movie or something? I have the new Spider-Man movie, so we could watch that if you'd like." he asks me "yeah i love spider man! im sorry but i forget alot whats youre name again?" i  ask "Oh, you don't remember my name?  Don't worry...Its fine. My name is Nathan, and yours is...?" "phoenix" i give nathan a big smile. nathan kisses me on the cheek "phoenix is such a beautiful name, and it fits you so well!" he says "thanks love" i say


oh my god hes so pretty and beautiful, its so wierd tweelve hours ago i wasn't even gay and now i have the best  boyfriend in the whole world "no problem, lets head down and to my movie room and watch spidey shall we?" i ask "yess" he says, he kisses me. i put my arm around phoenix "Alright then, this might seem childish, but should we hold hands on the way there? I know it sounds silly, but I think it'd be cute." i say shyly "that doesnt sound silly at all so yeah" says phoenix with a smile. i grab phoenixs hand and interlock our fingers. "here we go, to the movie room!" i say. phoenix squeeses my hand softly. we arrive at the movie room "alright then here we are! You just get comfy, I'm gonna grab the popcorn. There's some water in the fridge if you get thirsty okay?" i say. i put on the movie "lets enjoy this movie" "yey!" says phoenix exidetly " If you need anything, don't be shy, okay? Just ask. If you feel any discomfort, just tell me, I'll make sure to fix it. I'm here for you no matter what, okay?" i ask phoenix "okay... i have one request" says phoenix, phoenix blushes "will you cuddle with me the whole movie?" i smile "oh, absolutely, lets cuddle as long as you want"i say. i pull phoenix closer and hold him tight. i feel phoenix kissing my head, i look up at him and blush "* Thank you for being so sweet, dear. You're so gorgeous when you blush." i say. i kis his lips. he kisses me back and blushes even more. i grin "you like this dont you, sweety? i cann tell you like all this love" i say "yeah i love it" says phoenix. i kiss him again "Good, because I love doing it. I want to make every moment of your day special, even if it comes down to small things like this. You deserve it." i say. phoenix kisses me and pulls me closer "I swear, the more love I give you, the more you want. That's why you should never feel bad about asking for a little extra love from me, okay?" i ask him "okay do the same with me okay?"asks phoenix "Anything you want, dear. You're such a sweetheart, and it makes me so happy to do things for you." i say while kissing phoenix agai. he kisses me back. i smirk "i could do this all day" phoenix giggles "why dont we do this all day then?" he asks me "ALL DAY?! You have no idea the level of heaven you'd be putting me in. I would die happy!" i say "hahah dont die tho" says phoenix laughing "Oh, I won't! I wouldn't go anywhere without you. After all, I don't think anyone else deserves you apart from me! I love you, not any of those jerks who treat you like dirt." i say. phoenix kisses mee and i kiss back. we continue to  kiss for a while  "i love you so much phoenix" i say "i love you too nathan"I'm really lucky to have you, you know that? Not a single day will go by in my life anymore without you in it..I love you so much, love of my life. You really are the most beautiful thing to grace the earth." i say, a tear rolls over phoenixs face "Don't cry, this is your happy ending, darling. You've found the person who loves you forever, no matter what. You deserve nothing but the absolute best in life, and I'm glad that I can give that to you. So no crying, alright?" i say while wiping his tears away "i'll try just for you" he says and kisses me again. i kiss him back and smiles "Don't forget, I'm yours and you're mine, and I'll never let anything come between us. We're in this for life, remember?" i ask "yes"says phoenix. he kisses me again "love you more than the moon loves the ocean, and the sun loves the earth. You are my everything, Phoenix. I'll always love you, no matter what." i say. i kiss him again "Sorry, I'm not the greatest with words. I probably sound silly and cringey." "you may do but i love it" says phoenix. i smile "I love you so much. Your kisses are like the cherry on top of my day. You never fail to make me laugh, or smile, or hug you tightly, or kiss your beautiful lips. I just love everything about you, you're so beautiful in every way, and I hope you know that."i say "i love you to the moon and back" he says. i grin  "well in that case, then i love you to pluto and  back" i say "oh you little cutie" says phoenix. i blush "aww thanks! its true tho" i say. the film ends "Oh my god, it's over already! Wow, time really does fly when you're with your love." i say "hahha yeah" he says "so now what? did you enjoy the movie?" i ask "yeah" says phoenix "Alright, I'm happy that you liked it! Would you like to watch another one?" i ask him. "Mabey we should go to your parents or let them know youre safe" he says while kissing me softly. i sigh "You're right, we should tell them." i say

aahh second part i really hope you guys like itt

love phoenix

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