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" We're all humans, aren't we ? Every human life is worth the same and worth saving".



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Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, a wizarding school located in Scottish highlands. It has four core groups Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and slytherin.

Gryffindor is known for its bravery, daring, nerve and chivalry.

Hufflepuff is known for its loyalty, kindness, patience and fair play.

Ravenclaw is known for its intelligence, knowledge, creativity and wit.

At last Slytherin is known for its cunning, ambition, leadership and resourcefulness.


The great hall is filled with lots of clamor which is mainly coming from the Gryffindor table as the most popular guys the ' Marauders ' which they likely to be called themselves intensively discussing, something very serious.

James potter well known for his pranks and charismatic smile rather staring at the muggle born witch Lily evans despite being rejected still declared "padfoot I will definitely win her heart this year, she cannot resist me forever".

Sirius black with his handsome looks and flirtatious smile didn't reply instead he's glaring at the slytherin table.

Remus lupin, the mother hen of the group voiced out "prongs just give up already, she's clearly not interested in you". James who heard this felt betrayed as no one trusted him.

Peter pettigrew who has the smallest height compared to his three other friends replied " prongs mate I trust you, you'll definitely charm her".

James felt so happy "at least wormtail trust me unlike you guys" scolded them for not even responded which is mainly directed to Sirius who has been quite the whole time. Remus who scrutinize his best friend behavior uttered "Sirius, are you alright". Sirius just nodded indicating that he's completely fine without even opening his mouth to reply.

Not so far away from Gryffindor table, a group of four murmuring to themselves " just talk to him and resolve whatever the problem is, I'm sick of his staring" muttered Severus snape who is the arch enemy of the Marauders.

Regulus black who is now a death eater irritatly whispered back "I don't need your fucking opinion snape" as he was already upset with all the things going. Before Snape could react, the doors opened and the hall became silent upon the arrival of the,

THE WHEEL OF TIME ( PART 1 )Where stories live. Discover now