chat no.3~ random✨

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Yuzi- guys i am bored.

Bhuvi- for a change heh.

Virat- what should we do if you are bored?

Ishan- exactly. Bhangra kare kya?

Rohit- he is answering back yuzi WHICH IS HIS SENIOR😱😱😱

hardik- stop adding petrol in nothing ro.

Jaddu- you were supposed to say "fuel" not "petrol".....

Jinks- well....

Hardik- its the same thing jadd.

Shub- ishu didn't mean to say it in a sarcasm way right? He was just joking.

Hardik- here we have another "kulcha" aka shub and ishan.

Virat- in the whole life harry has talked something sensible😱😵

Kuldeep- heyy why always me and yuzi?

Yuzi- don't worry about it kulya i am with you. they are just jealous😒

Hardik- hah. As if i would be jealous. I have mahi bhai already😙

Virat- oh hello mahi bhai is on my side.

Hardik- sure CHEEKU😃

virat- don't you start with the emojis hardik😡

Hardik- i am gonna tell anushka bhabhi about you scolding me😤😋

Virat- don't you dare😬

Bhuvi- lools like someone is scared.

Jaddu- hehehehe

Yuzi- i sense some drama coming up.

Kulya- *gets popcorn ready*

Shreyas- *pops one into the mouth*

Shub- *awkwardly eats some popcorn*

Ishan- *excited as hell*

Jinks- shut up and let them continue their fight.

Jaddu- hehehehe

Bhuvi- stop acting like harry jadd. And you all stop overreacting.


virat- mahi bhai😭😭😭😭😭

Hardik- what do you want to prove by crying more than me?

Rahul- harry's got a point

Virat- everyone hates me😭😭😭😭

Shub- where did this come inn all of a sudden?

Rohit- its virat typa things. Drama queen😇😃

Ishan- ohhk

Hardik- should i build a bridge over to bhabhi? As virat would have made a river by now. 😶


Virat- noone loves me mahi bhai😭

Rahul- its not nice harry..... You too virat.

Hardik- noone loves me too😭😭😭

Mahi- wth is going on?

Rishabh- scroll up mahi bhai.

Mahi- stop this at once. You two are not kids that you are fighting like this.
Hardik-aren't you on my side mahi bhai?😫💛

Mahi- not with the emoji harry😬💟

Virat- this is not fair😭

Mahi- tum log se zyada matured naye bachhe hai. Atleast ishan and shubman does not behave like 5yr olds...


Ishan- 😁😅

Rohit- mahi bhai on point as always😆

Hardik- you will also betray me mahi bhai? YOU mahi bhaiyaaa?😟😨😔

Mahi- ok ok stop with the drama harry. And sleep.

Rishabh - i am sure that he would wake up agastya too.

Shub- and nats bhabhi. i am seeing you as childish one for the first time😆😇

Hardik- ohkk OKK. i am off to sleep guys. Gn😪


shub- what did i do!? 😭😲😟

Virat- you two....

Rohit- do realise that....

Jinks- this is not your....

Jaddu- personal chat😂😂😂

Hardik- shit.

Mahi- you need to see before typing and sending the message that in what group or number you are sending to harry and shub bachha stay less with him.

Shub- umm why?

Shreyas- you are becoming like him😅

Ishan- LOL😂😆😂😆😂

Ishan- 😂😆😂😆😂

Ishan- 😂😆😂😆😂

Bhuvi- oh god

Rohit- and ishan you from shubman.

Ishan- no i can't stay away from my bes~TEA😵😭

Shub- me too😥😭

Virat- harry has a huge influence on future kids.....

Rahul- sure he does🙆😹

Mahi- i am counting till 3. Sleep......Noone should be visible online.

Virat- mahi bhai before you start counting!!!!

Hardik- how are you not asleep rn? Its 3 in the morning😨

Rohit- exactly.

Mahi- i was woke up by ziva because she had a nightmare. And then after making her sleep i couldn't sleep. Why are you awake cheeku?

Virat- i am awake because nushkie decided to see a horrible movie because we both weren't able to sleep and then now she is asleep and i am stuck here bored. What about you ro? Its a surprise that you are awake at this hour.

Rohit- actually i woke up to eat something and then after eating i couldn't sleep. Which is a surprise i know. What about you harry?

Hardik- as y'all expected..... Aggu is awake and he wants me to recite a poem or bedtime story. And i can't find anything on google. Plus nats is fast asleep. What about you shub?

Shub- nothing just some bad thoughts💔 but its ok.... Talking to y'all made me happy.

Hardik- ohhh😕 you can tell me shub✨

Shub- i will on private😃

Mahi- ok i guess others are asleep so some suggestions to you all..... Virat just do one thing and switch off the tv and try to sleep as i know you have to hit the gym, rohit you can heat and drink the hot milk i guess it will help you sleep and harry i will send you some bedtime stories so you can tell him to sleep. Now shoo off and let me sleep. And shub bachha its okay!

Virat- okay mahi bhai! Good night✨

Rohit- i already drank the milk and now am sleeping😪

Hardik- thanks mahi bhai💛

Shub- ohk💟


Wheewww okk. after a long time i am back. I mean 6 days isn't THAT long.

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