Chapter 16 🐺✨

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The next morning Yazmin arrived an hour late however Klaus did not question her since he has been busy with Camille.

Klaus: Yazmin-

Camille: Klaus! Come back to bed!

Yazmin: I'll make Hope some breakfast.

Klaus: Cami. I do have a daughter to take care of.

Camille: You've got a nanny for that babe you need time for yourself too.

Hope: Mama!

Yazmin: Yes Sweetie.

Hope: Food!

Yazmin: Yes I'm making some now.

Yazmin laughs at Hope for demanding food. Elijah walks through the door and Hope gets over excited.

Hope: Lijah! Lijah!

Elijah: Good morning my sweet girl and good morning Yazmin.

Yazmin: Hey.

Elijah: Listen about last night.

Yazmin: Can we just forget I ever told you anything.

Elijah: Of course anything for you.

Elijah pulls Yazmin for a hug and Klaus and Camille walk down.

Camille: Ooo what's going on here?

Elijah: Can I not give a friend a hug?

Camille: A friend? She's the nanny.

Elijah: She's also my friend.

Camille: Really?

Elijah: We first met at the French market, I bumped into her and then she applied for the job and when I saw her I immediately remembered who she was.

Klaus looked confused but also jealous, he had thought she only knew Elijah from the job interview.

Klaus: Well we best get going.

Klaus takes Hope and walks out with her and Camille.

Yazmin: That's weird.

Elijah: Did he not tell you they were going out?

Yazmin: No. I guess they were just going to leave me alone in the house.

Elijah: Good job I came over then.

Yazmin: Yeah.

The whole day Yazmin and Elijah hung out, they went shopping, they got ice cream and they went to the park. 

Yazmin: Oh no It's raining!

Elijah: I guess we'll have to walk home in the rain.

They both link arms and walk in the rain, they walk to a bar.

Bartender: What can I get you both?

Elijah: White wine would be nice.

Bartender: And for you miss?

Yazmin: Just a cola for me please.

After a while the rain had gotten worse and everyone started to leave.

Elijah: We'd better get back.

Yazmin: But the rain is too heavy we'll get soaked

Bartender: Here take this umbrella! You both need it more than I do.

Yazmin: We can't!

Bartender: Oh come on you need it.

Elijah: Thank you.

Bartender: You both have a good night!

Yazmin: And yourself!

Elijah took Yasmin home and headed back to see Klaus.

Klaus: Why are you here brother?

Elijah: Why didn't you tell Yazmin she didn't have to come to work?

Klaus: I forgot.

Elijah: You forgot? Why? Because you were too busy with Camille?

Klaus: Don't you-

Elijah: But I will! You hardly spend time with your own daughter these last few days have you no shame?

Klaus: Get out:

Elijah: You need to wake up and see which people should really be in your life because Camille isn't one of them!


After a few weeks of Elijah and Yazmin hanging out every evening after Yazmin's shifts they both began to grow close.Whilst walking  Elijah spots Klaus arguing with Camille with Hope crying in her push chair.

Yazmin: Oh my goodness!

They rush over Hope immediately puts her arms up for Yazmin.

Hope: Mama!

Camille: See that baby calls her mama! She's not her mama I'm the girlfriend she should be calling me that!

Klaus: That is enough! Her name is Hope and if she wants to call Yazmin mother she can! You don't even spend any time with her and you hardly allow me to spend time with her! You have no right to be called anything! WE ARE OVER!

Camille: You can have him!

Camille walks off and Yazmin calms Hope down.

Klaus: Come on Hope we are going home.

Hope: No! Mama!

Yazmin: Let me come with you I can put her down.

Klaus: No I don't want anyone home right now Hope come on!

Hope: No! I mama!

Yazmin: Let me come.

Elijah: I will see you both tomorrow.

Yazmin: Goodnight.

Once they arrived home Klaus just ran upstairs and didn't come out of his room, once Yazmin set Hope down she knocked on Klaus' door.

Yazmin: Klaus I'm leaving now I'll see you tomorrow.

Klaus opens the door

Klaus: Wait.

Yazmin:  Yeah?

Yazmin patiently waits for Klaus to say something hoping he'd tell her what happened.

Klaus: Lock the door on your way out.

Yazmin: Yeah okay.

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