Chapter 25 🐺✨

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~7 months later~

Yazmin: Shit! Avani! Avani!

Marcel: She's gone out.

Yazmin: My water broke!

Marcel: Crap! Okay I'll get the car and call Avani.

Yazmin: I'll get my hospital bag.

On the way to the hospital Yazmin screams in pain and Marcel is panicking.

Marcel: Don't worry Yaz we are almost there and Avani is gonna meet us. Are you okay? Do you need water?

Yazmin: Stop freaking asking me questions and DRIVE!

Marcel: Okay Okay!


Marcel: We need some help!

Nurse: How far apart are your contractions?

Yazmin: I don't even know I just need my baby to come out!

Nurse: Don't worry sweetie you're in good hands.

Marcel: I'll wait for Avani.

Yazmin is in the delivery room screaming whilst in labour.

Avani: I'm here babe! Is she okay?

Marcel: I've been waiting for you I don't know.

Avani: Oh God I don't want her to be on her own! I'll go you wait outside.

Marcel: Gladly.

Elijah: May I come in too?

Avani: Elijah?

Elijah: Marcel called... I told Niklaus too.

Avani: As if he's going to come.

Elijah: I-

Marcel: Just go in and be there for her!

Avani: Hey sis!

Yazmin: Oh thank God! Avani and... Elijah?

Elijah: Hello Yazmin.

Yazmin: Oh God!

Doctor: Keep pushing Miss Nessa.

Yazmin: I have been for 20 minutes!

Elijah and Avani holds Yazmin's hands.

Doctor: Congratulations it's a boy!

The doctor places the baby onto Yazmin's chest.

Yazmin: Oh my sweet baby.

Elijah: He's beautiful.

Avani: Oh hello little man! I'm aint Vani!

Yazmin: And I'm your mummy! And over there is uncle Lijah!

Elijah: You did it Yaz!

Yazmin: The hell I did!

They all laugh.

Marcel: Is it okay to come in?

Yazmin: And there is your uncle Marcel!

Marcel: Hello little...

Avani: Guy!

Marcel: Hello little man!

Elijah: Have you thought of a name?

Yazmin: Yeah. Everyone meet Zakariya Mikaelson.

Avani: That is a beautiful name.

Elijah: Thank you for keeping Mikaelson.

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