The Memory Car

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This girl is strange. I've only know her for what seems to be an hour but still, she's kinda strange. She always seems to want to be in control of what happens but I mean I can't be talking all my life I wanted to control my destiny. So why does it feel so strange to be around her?

Anyways, out of my thoughts we entered a new car and it seemed to be styled like an old Time-y house. There were mirrors and reflective things everywhere, so I had to be careful that the flex didn't find me. Don't get me wrong I'm happy to be free but not happy that I'm getting chased around my a bunch on cops trying to kill me for wanting to be me. But before I could think anymore May spoke up.

"What is this place?" She asked. "I don't know but I don't like this place." I answered back. May stepped in front on a mirror and it showed a young girl that resembled May running around in a forest. "How do they know about this?" She muttered looking at the mirror in shock, then I noticed that all the other reflective things had turned into different memories that I assume to be May's.

I knew this probably wouldn't end well with me being a reflection and her seeing my quote on quote "memories" so I walked up towards her, making sure I wasn't in the view of a mirror and said "Let's get out of here this car is giving me the creeps" She looked at me before nodding and walking with me to hopefully the exit.

The exit was in sight when I heard an all to familiar voice say "Do you really think the Sliver is in here?" I quickly grabbed May by the arm and we ducked by a nearby staircase when we heard another voice, but this time it was closer. "That last silver got away and even killed some flex members, we can't let that happen again" I visibly tensed up and May saw this giving me a sympathetic look.

"Why don't we just destroy the mirror car that's where they all come from?" The first one said "Because the conductor won't let us!" The second one almost yelled. I looked at May, grabbed her wrist and ran for the exit. "There he is!" One of them yelled and they started chasing us. Luckily since we were closer to the door we got out and locked the door, leaving them trapped in there. May looked at me and said "You have a lot of explaining to do"

Sorry that this seemed rushed and the spelling errors, you can tell that I was falling english...
Anyways I'll try to get another chapter out everyday and if someone ever wants to request a car idea they can.
- -Løst-

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