Snooze Wild Ass..

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Sean in Pic

Diamond POV

Thursday 11:30am
I decided to sleep in today because i was too tired to wake up early. Brandon call himself taking me on a date yesterday. First we went to SixFlags then we went to Fridays after. It was nice i can admit i really enjoyed myself. Its just that brandon is very committed to getting me to be with him. Its cute sometimes, other times not so much.

I thought i was going to sleep until after 12 but my phone kept ringing. After ignoring it like 8 times i finally decided to answer. I picked my phone up and it was my god brother Tony calling.

"Yesss my brother, what could possibly be so important that you waking me out of my sleep?"
"Pops came out his coma."
"Oh my god. Really? Thats great."
"Yeah. He's stable and they're sending him home tonight."
"Thank God. Are you in Cali?"
"No i couldn't leave school i have midterms this week. Mom called me this morning."
"Ohh... Okay.. i wish i was home..."
"I know me too baby girl. Everything is going to be okay though."
"I hope so."
"Yeah well, have fun in DC sis. Ill talk to you later. Love you."
"Love you too tone."

After getting off the phone with Tony i couldn't go back to sleep so i decided to get up and start my day. I looked out my hotel window and it was raining outside. Thats one thing about that east coast weather, its so unpredictable.

After taking my shower i looked through my suitcase for my black juicy couture sweatsuit. I lotioned my body and put on a purple bra pantie set then put my outfit on. I found some socks then threw on my pink sparkly Ugg boots.

I was starving by time i got dresses so i decided to go to the grocery store. My hotel suite had a mini kitchen in it so i wanted to buy food for the rest of my stay. Instead of eating out at restaurants every night.

I grabbed my purse then left the hotel. I went around back to the parking lot and hopped in the rental. Brandon showed me where the closest grocery
store was the other day so i was good on directions.

I was walking down the frozen food isle when one of the employees dropped a few frozen pizzas as he was stocking. He was right next to me so i had no problem helping him pick them up. Plus i wanted some pizza anyway.

"Thanks but you don't have to do this." He said. "Nah don't worry about it, i wanted some of these anyway." I said still picking up pizzas. "Okay well don't take these hun. Get some that didn't hit the floor." He said giggling. We finally stood up and made eye contact. He was cute, he had a great body that i could see through his tight ass shirt and he had dreads. Anybody with dreads is winning. I could tell he was gay though.

"Damn boo you cute. Where you from?" He said putting his hand on his hip.
"Thanks love...." i said giggling. "Im from here, well i was born here but i live in Cali. Just visiting for a while." I said answering his question.

"Thats wassup, i always wanted to go to cali... Oh my god i cant get over how cute you are." He said then i started blushing.
"Thank you. You sexy too papi." I said grinning at him. He flipped his dreads back and started modeling down the isle.

"Thank you hunty i try, but this uniform ain't doing shit for me. Catch me outside work." He said. I started laughing and playing with my hair. He finished putting the rest of the pizzas in the freezer then walked back to me.

"Whats your name boo?" He asked running a had through my hair. "Diamond, whats your name?" I asked him back. He looked down at his shirt and scrunched his face up.
"Girl i was bout to call you stupid, but my dumb ass don't even got my name tag on. Im Sean." He said reaching out for a hug. I giggled and hugged him back.

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