8 Years Ago

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*8 Years Ago*

In the backyard of a small, but beautiful house was a lone girl swinging on her red rusty swing set. Her hair gently dancing behind her as the wind brushed it. She was too busy starring up at the tree tops reaching up to the sky to notice the young woman, who looks quite fancy, standing in front of the door behind her watching the dark haired girl intently. "Hazuki?" The woman said. The girl stopped swinging and starred dead ahead into the trees.

"Your father and I will be leaving soon. Are you sure you want to stay home?" The girl nodded slightly. The woman sighed and turned to leave but stopped when a small voice sounded. "Mother, before you go, just know that what's going to happen tonight, isn't yours or daddy's fault."

The woman looked a mixture of shock, confusion, and anger.

"I asure you, Hazuki, nothing will happen at the party." The woman said trying to hide the venom in each word but failed.

The woman closed the door and left the girl. She heard the car roar to life and leave the property.

"Your a foolish woman." She whispered as she let a ladybug crawl onto her index finger.

"If you listened to me, your fate wouldn't have happened."

And with that, the ladybug fell to the ground, dying.

She got up and turned to enter her now forever empty home.

She gathered her things and sat next to her home phone, awaiting for that final call.

Hours passed, she never moved and the phone didn't ring. The young girl turned to the time. "11:26." She whispered. "Four more minutes."

Her voice filled with no emotion along with her face. Her red eyes remain emotionless.

When the familiar ring of the phone came, she didn't hesitate to answer. "Hello?" "Hello, is this Hazuki Remi?" A devastated male voice asked. "This is she." "I'm so sorry to say this but, your parents.... they died a couple minutes ago from alcohol poisoning. I'm so sorry."

The girl still had no emotion on her face as she said, "It's ok. They didn't listen to me so it's not your fault. If anything, it's theirs." The man gave an awkward laugh. "Well, ok then. Err, would you like to see them?" "No, I have somewhere to be." "Where does a six year old, like yourself, have to be?" "That's classified, sir." "Eh?" "Please excuse me, I have to go now. Crucify them, they would have wanted that. Good bye now, sir." The girl hung up and got her backpack and small carrier suitcase and headed for the door to leave before police got here.

When her hand hit the door handle the phone rang, shocking the girl. She turned to the phone and walked up to it. "Funny, I don't remember seeing them call back." She picked it up and heard heavy breathing on the other line.


She asked.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you to not pick up the phone?" Asked a deep burly voice. "Yes, they did." "Naughty little girl, aren't ya?"

"I like to think so." The man chuckled.

"Do you hear that?"

She listened. "Hear what?"

"The sirens coming to get you. They're almost there. I'd hang up and run if I was you, kid."

The girl looked out to her window and listened.

Sirens. There probably a mile out. About to turn into her neighborhood.

"May I ask who this is?" She asked. "Just someone who you will meet later on in the future."

"Ok future man, why did you call?"

"To tell you this."

The man paused and let the girl to wonder as the sirens neared.

"Your mine, Fokkusu."

Call ended.

So that was the first chapter! I hope you liked it. That's my first time using 3rd person point of view. I will warn you, the chapters will switch from first to third point of view. I will tell you what point of view it is before the chapter.

The voice for Hazuki will be the voice over for Mikasa from Attack On Titan. Both young Hazuki and older Hazuki. Mikasa is a good voice for her since she shows no emotion what do ever. Well unless it's too protect Eren.

I also have this story on Quotev.


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